为筛选出猕猴桃花粉性状优良的品种(系)进行区域试验,实现猕猴桃雌株优质高产。以中国科学院武汉植物园、江西农业大学科技园及江西省奉新县猕猴桃种质资源圃采集的来源于中华猕猴桃与美味猕猴桃的41份猕猴桃雄花为试材测定其花粉量及花粉活力。试验中87.8%雄株花粉活力集中于40%~80%;No.29、33、32、36、21的花粉活力明显优于其他品种(系),而花粉活力低于40%的猕猴桃雄株有No.2和No.3,其中No.3的活力最弱。供试材料中,单个花药所含花粉量最多的是No.26,达1 951粒;而最少的是No.39,仅有900粒,均属于中华猕猴桃,可见其花粉量差异较大;美味猕猴桃雄株之间花粉量差异较小,处1 160~1 520粒。中华猕猴桃雄株平均花粉活力(58.54%)低于美味猕猴桃(67.99%),而其平均花粉量(1 415粒)高于美味猕猴桃(1341粒),花粉量与花粉活力之间并无相关关系。文中依据供试品种花粉量的多少及花粉活力的高低将其划分为三个等级,其中,第Ⅱ与Ⅲ级的猕猴桃雄株具有较多的花粉量及较高的花粉萌发率,可以满足生产上猕猴桃授粉的要求,其余品种则不建议作为授粉树。
Through comparing the pollen viability and pollen quantity in different male plants ol kiwilruit, cultivars( strains) with excellent pollen characteristics were selected for a regional test. This research has the practical significance lor realizing high quality and high yield ol kiwilruit.In this experiment, forty-one Actinidia male plants, including A. deliciosa and A. chinensis, were collected from Wuhan Botanical Garden,Jiangxi Ag-riculture University and Fengxin County, Jiangxi Province, as experimental materials.The male flowers ol ki- wilruit in the large bud stage were gathered and stored in bag, then brought back to the laboratory and the an-thers were peeled off.Fifty fully ripe and uncracked anthers were chosen and put into 2 mL centrifuge tube and the process was repeated 3 times.The tubes were put into an oven at 35 ^ until dry.And the the amount ol pol-len were determined after the pollen was completely dispersed. The remained anthers were dried to obtain pollen under the condition o avoiding direct sunlight,and kept in lor determing the pollen viability.The results showed that thepollen viability oi 87.8% samples varied between 4 0 %-8 0 % in all the tested materials, and the pollen viability of No.29,33,32,36,21 was 77.35%,79.51%,80.44%,80.68%,83.04%,respective- ly,which was significantly better than that ol other cultivars.Though the pollen viability ol No.2 and 3 was less than 40%,which was significantly lower than that of other cultivars, the pollen viability of No.3 was the wea- kest,only 5.01%.The maximum amount ol pollen quantity contained in an anther was in No.26,which reached up to 1 951 grains,and the least was in No.39,one anther contained only 900 grains.Both of the two cultivars belong to A. chinensis, and suggesting the large difference in pollen quantity among A. chinensis.The difference of pollen quantity among A. deliciosa was in a range of 1 160-1 520 grains.In this research, the average pollen viability of A. chinensis(58.54%)was lower than that of A. deliciosa (67.99% ) ,but its pollen quantity( 1 415 grains)was higher than that of A. deliciosa (1 341 grains).Through statistical analysis of the pollen viability and the pollen quantity in different male plants of kiwifruit, the cultivars were divided into grade I , II and III. The cultivars wiht pollen viability less than or equal to 4 0 % were classified as grade I , such as No.2 and 3.And the cultivars with pollen viability of 4 0 % - 8 0 % were classified as grade I I , such as Bangzeng-1, Moshan-4, No. 29 and 33.Grade III referred to the cultivars with pollen viability more than or equal to 80% , such as No.21,32 and 36. The cultivars with pollen quantity in an anther of the male plants less than or equal to 1 200 grains were classified as grade I , such as No.39 and 31.And those with pollen quantity of 1 200-1 600 were classified as grade I I , such as Bangzeng-1 and Moshan-4.Grade III referred to the cultivars with pollen quantity more than or equal to 1 600 grains, such as No.5,6 and 12.In this research, the pollen viability of most of the eight male plants of A. deliciosa was divided into grade I I , including No.19,20,34,35,36,37 and Bangzeng-1,only No.36 (80.68%)was divided into grand III.And the pollen viability in the male plants of A. chinensis was classified into grade I, II and III.According to the pollen quantity in male plants of A. deliciosa was classified into grade II except for No.37 which had only 1154 grains.And A. chinensis was classified into grand I , II and III.Kiwifruit is a dioecious plant, the pollen viability and pollen quantity of pollination varieties always play an important role in fruit setting rate and yield of the main cultivars.Through the analysis and classification of pollen viability and pollen quantity in male plants of kiwifruit, grade H and IH had more pollen quantity and higher pollen germination rate, they can meet the requirements of pollination of kiwifruit production, and the rest of the culti-vars were not recommended as pollination trees.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
A. deliciosa
A. chinensis
male plant
pollen viability
pollen quantity