
西宁市采供血发展现状分析及对策建议 被引量:3

Analysis and countermeasure suggestions on the development of current blood collection and supply in Xining City
摘要 目的调查分析西宁市采供血现状,揭示采供血工作存在的问题困难,为全市及全省输血事业发展从制度、政策和措施提供支持和参考。方法对2006-2016年度西宁市采供血数据汇总,用整群分析、分层分析法统计分析。结果 2011-2016年度献血人次负增长4.76%,西宁市街头无偿献血人次占82.15%,团体献血人次占17.85%,千人口献血率2015年为14.3‰;成分输血率达到99%,临床用血100%分别实现了白细胞过滤、血液辐照、血浆病毒灭活,2015年血液实现100%核酸检测,2011-2015年度省级医院临床平均用血占总供血量71.94%,2016年全市总用血量占全省总用血量81.63%。结论 "十二五"期间西宁市无偿献血进入一个发展平台期,血液采集与供应处于一个紧平衡,供需矛盾日益突出,采供血与西宁社会经济和卫生事业发展不相协调;血液核酸检测的全覆盖使输血传播疾病残余风险控制到了极低水平,成分输血等各项技术的开展,输血引起的不良反应显著降低,极大地提高了血液安全;临床用血需进一步加强和规范,科学合理用血水平急待提高。 Objective To investigate and analyze the situation on blood collection and supply in Xining city, to illuminate the problems existing in the work and difficulties, and to provide support and reference for policies and measures in transfusion career from the city to the whole system. Methods In Xining city from 2006 to 2016, blood collection and sup- ply data were analyzed with cluster analysis, hierarchical analysis, and treated with WORD2007 charts. Results From 2011 to 2016, the number of blood donation visitors reduced by 4. 76%. Xining city blood donors accounted for 82. 15%, group donors accounted for 17. 85% of blood donation. 14. 3 per one thousand people donated blood in 2015. Component blood transfusion rate was 99%. Clinical use was 100%. Leukocyte filtration, blood irradiation, plasma virus inactivated, nucleic acid blood screening test achieved 100% in 2015. From 2011 to 2015, the average provincial hospital clinical blood use ac- counted for 71.94% of total blood supply. The total 2016 blood use in Xining city accounted for 81.63% of the province. Conclusion During the developmental period of "twelfth five-year" Xining city blood donation platform, maintenance of blood collection and supply became a tight balance. Blood collection and supply contradictions became increasingly prominent. Blood collection and supply are incompatible with the development of social economy and public health in Xining City. Nucleic acid blood test screening contributes to the lowest level of residual risk of transmitted diseases in blood transfusion. As component transfusion technology advances, the adverse effects associated with transfusion decrease accordingly, which has enhanced the safety of blood for clinical use. However, the level of scientific and rational use of blood remain necessary to improve urgently.
作者 李向国 LI Xiangguo(Blood Center of Qinghai Province, Xining City 810000, China.)
机构地区 青海省血液中心
出处 《中国输血杂志》 北大核心 2017年第5期517-520,共4页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
关键词 西宁市 采供血 现状分析 对策建议 Xining city blood collection and supply situation analysis countermeasures and suggestions.
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