
智慧输血信息管理系统在围术期血液管理中的应用探讨 被引量:11

Application of smart blood transfusion information system in perioperative blood management
摘要 本文旨在构建智慧输血信息管理系统,探讨其在减少同源异体输血;降低输血相关感染风险、减少输血并发症和避免输血管理差错等几方面来促进和保障手术患者围术期安全,提高围术期血液管理水平的作用。通过连接、整合输血信息管理系统与医院信息系统、实验室信息系统、手术和麻醉系统,实现相关信息共享;将围术期患者术前用血评估与输血预测、术中各种血液保护管理措施信息、术中取血与血液输注管理、术后用血评价与病程记录、输血不良事件报告等环节要素串联成一个环环相扣的工作流程,防止过程或要素遗漏,减少人为干预,使围术期血液管理做到智能化、数字化和规范化。选取智慧输血管理系统应用前后各1 000例手术病人,评价其在围手术期血液管理中的作用。围术期患者同源异体血输注率明显降低,自体输血率大幅提升,不合理输血率明显降低,杜绝了输血安全事故的发生,确保手术患者用血安全。智慧输血信息管理系统的构建能有效提高手术输血管理水平,促进和保障手术患者输血安全。 This paper aims to explore the role of smart Blood Information System (s-BIS) in minimizing allogenic transfusion, reducing transfusion associated infection and complication, avoiding the transfusion managing error that could pro- mote, guarantee the safety of patients and improve the blood management level during perioperative period. Blood Information System(BIS) was connected with Hospital information system (HIS), Laboratory Information System (LIS), Surgical and Anesthesia Information System to share the related information. With this s-BIS, prediction and evaluation of blood transfu- sion during preoperative period, information of blood conservation and blood transfusion during intraoperative period and as- sessment of blood transfusion and progress notes, reports of adverse transfusion reactions could be integrated into an interloc- king work flow which could prevent the omission of process or elements and reduce the manual intervention. The s-BIS could actualize the intelligence, digitalization and standardization of blood management during perioperative period. 1 000 cases of surgical patients were selected to assess the role of s-BIS in perioperative blood management before and after the application of s-BIS, respectively. The incidence of allogenic blood transfusion decreased significantly and the incidence of autologous transfusion increased significantly. The unreasonable rate of transfusion also decreased significantly. The s-BIS could prevent the incidence of blood transfusion safety events and ensure safe blood transfusion in patients. The construction of s-BIS could promote the perioperative blood management and ensure the safe transfusion in patients.
作者 孙波 葛东梅 刘姣 吕翠 程聪 SUN Bo GE Dong- mei LIU Jiao LV Cui CHENG Cong(Department of Blood Transfusion, Qingdao 266003, China Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University.)
出处 《中国输血杂志》 北大核心 2017年第5期548-550,共3页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
关键词 智慧 输血信息管理系统 血液管理 围术期安全 smart Blood information system blood management perioperative safety
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