
并网陆上风电协同效益分析 被引量:3

Analysis on the Co-Benefits of the Grid-Connected Onshore Wind Power
摘要 以山东半岛典型的1.5 MW并网陆上风电机组和600 MW燃煤火电机组为例,利用全生命周期分析法,比较风电和火电在化石能源能耗、温室气体和污染物排放方面的差异,得到并网陆上风电的协同效益。每生产1度电,风电可节约化石能源消耗362.6克标准煤,避免环境损害成本0.17元。从全社会成本的角度来看,目前在山东半岛发展并网陆上风电是优于火电的。 This paper compares the differences of grid-connected wind power and thermal power in terms of fossil energy consumption, emissions of GHGs and pollutants, taking typical 1.5 MW grid-connected onshore wind turbine and 600 MW coalfired power plan in Shandong Peninsula as an example, by LCA (life cycle analysis). Then the co-benefits of the grid-connected onshore wind power in Shandong Peninsula are obtained. 362.6 g coal equivalent is saved and 0. 17 yuan environment damage cost is avoided when wind power generates 1 kWoh electricity. In the view of social cost, at present, grid-connected onshore wind power is superior to thermal power in Shandong Peninsula.
作者 唐松林 刘世粉 TANG Songlin LIU Shifen(Economics College, Shandong Technology and Business University, Yantai Shandong 264005, China Shandong Energy Economy Synergy Innovation Center, Yantai Shandong 264005, China)
出处 《生态经济》 北大核心 2017年第7期75-77,102,共4页 Ecological Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"基于参与人视角的农村可再生能源发展机制研究"(15BJY052) 教育部人文社会科学项目"基于动态多准则分析的农村可再生能源发展路径研究"(12YJCZH184) 山东省自然科学基金项目"山东农村低碳能源发展路径--基于多准则的分析"(ZR2012GL09)
关键词 风电 气候变化 协同效益 全生命周期分析 wind power climate change co-benefits life cycle analysis
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