A 21-year-old man was hospitalized with intermittent melena for 6 months. The patient was placed with a renal artery stent because of a let1 renal pseudoaneurysnl caused by trauma one year ago. Gastroscopy revealed traces of dark red blood in the lower segment of the duodenum, and enteroscopy revealed a large, purplish-red mass at the junction between the duodenum and jejunum [Figure 1]. The surface structure of the mass was unclear, and the mass was soft and appeared pedicled.
A 21-year-old man was hospitalized with intermittent melena for 6 months. The patient was placed with a renal artery stent because of a let1 renal pseudoaneurysnl caused by trauma one year ago. Gastroscopy revealed traces of dark red blood in the lower segment of the duodenum, and enteroscopy revealed a large, purplish-red mass at the junction between the duodenum and jejunum [Figure 1]. The surface structure of the mass was unclear, and the mass was soft and appeared pedicled.