目的观察耳穴贴压加心理干预对激素替代(HRT)治疗围绝经期综合征(MPS)临床疗效的影响。方法选择我院确诊的MPS患者64例,按就诊顺序随机分为2组,每组32例。观察组为耳穴贴压加心理干预配合激素替代治疗(口服补佳乐),对照组为单纯口服补佳乐治疗。对比2组治疗前、后的绝经症状变化(Kuppernann评分)及汉密顿抑郁评分(HAMD评分)变化,并检测干预前后卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)、雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)水平变化。结果 2组治疗后Kuppernann评分及HAMD评分较治疗前明显下降(P<0.05);观察组治疗后Kuppernann评分及HAMD评分明显低于对照组(P<0.05);2组治疗后FSH、LH、E23、P水平均明显改善(P<0.05),但组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论耳穴贴压加心理干预配合激素替代治疗可有效改善围绝经期患者临床症状及抑郁状态。
Objective To observe the effect of auricular plaster combined with psychological intervention on patients with menopausal syndrome(MPS) after hormone replacement therapy(HRT). Methods 64 patients with MPS who were admitted in our hospital were included in the study and randomized into the observation group and the control group with 32 cases in each group. The patients in the observation group were given auricular plaster and psychological intervention combined with HRT(progynova), while the patients in the control group were only given progynova. Kuppernann score and HAMD score before and after treatment in the two groups were compared. FSH, LH, E2, and P levels before and after intervention were detected. Results Kuppernann score and HAMD score after treatment in the two groups were significantly reduced when compared with before treatment(P〈0.05). Kuppernann score and HAMD score after treatment in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group(P〈0.05). FSH, LH, E2, and P levels after treatment in the two groups were significantly improved(P〈0.05), but the comparison between the two groups was not statistically significant(P〈0.05). Conclusion Auricular plaster and psychological intervention combined with HRT can effectively improve the clinical symptoms in patients with MPS, with an accurate efficacy.
Journal of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine
menopausal syndrome
auricular plaster
psychological intervention
sex hormone