为促进图书引文索引库的了解和利用提供参考。比较Bk CI和CBk CI两种主要的图书引文索引库,分析构建图书引文索引库的意义、存在的问题。分析表明:Bk CI和CBk CI在承建机构、资源纳入标准和提供服务方式上存在相似性,在收录资源的领域、数据源的语种、数据源的起始年限上存在差异;图书引文索引库在信息检索、引文分析等领域存在重要意义,但仍存在引用数据不一致、图书引文数据表达内涵复杂等问题;最后为需要研制及已研制图书引文索引库的机构和用户提出一些改进或使用建议。
The paper introduces and compares the two main book citation index databases BkCI & CBkCI, their significance and existing problems. It reveals similarities in the agencies who build them, resources inclusion criteria and the services provided, as well as some differences in the fields of resources, languages, and the start year of inclusion. Book citation index is of great value for information retrieval and citation analysis, but problems exist such as data inconsistency, and the complex connotation of book citation. At last, the paper provides some improvement suggestions for those who have built or will build book citation index databases.
Library Journal