针对保山区域冬早大棚辣椒氮磷钾肥料效应缺乏系统研究,存在偏施氮肥、盲目施肥和过量施肥的现象,采用三因素五水平二次正交旋转组合设计,通过田间小区试验,研究氮磷钾肥料效应模型,通过频率分析研究高产优化施肥组合方案。保山大棚辣椒氮磷钾肥料效应回归模型Y=38 180.4+19.865 7N+16.102 7P+16.150 1K+0.026 6NP+0.012 4NK-0.006 8PK-0.025 8N^2-0.038 5P^2-0.014 1K^2,目标产量大于53 000kg/hm^2的优化施肥组合方案为N 568.9~631.9 kg/hm^2,P_2O_5 242.7~321.3 kg/hm^2,K_2O 684.6~794.8 kg/hm^2,氮磷钾比例为1∶0.47∶1.23,与当地施肥量水平相比,温暖区氮肥用量平均降低36.3%,温热区氮肥用量平均降低23.1%。氮磷钾肥配合施用能显著提高大棚辣椒产量,氮肥效应达极显著水平,磷肥和钾肥效应达显著水平,效应排序为氮肥>钾肥>磷肥;氮磷和氮钾的交互效应为显著正效应,N用量在175~425 kg/hm^2时,辣椒产量随着P_2O_5用量的增加呈先增后降趋势,增幅随着磷肥用量的增加而减小,N用量在175~573.7 kg/hm^2时,钾肥效应趋势与磷肥一致,在高氮情况下,辣椒产量随着磷肥(或钾肥)用量的增加而增加。
There was few study of NPK fertilizer effect on early winter pepper of greenhouse in Baoshan, Yunnan province. Field experiment was conducted in greenhouse with quadratic orthogonal rotation combination design including 3 factors and 5 levels to study the NPK fertilizer functional model and the optimized fertilization plan on early winter pepper. Regression model of NPK fertilizer effects on greenhouse pepper in Baoshan was Y = 38 180. 4 + 19. 865 7N + 16. 102 7P + 16. 150 1K + 0. 026 6NP +0. 012 4NK -0. 006 8PK -0. 025 8Nz -0. 038 5Pz -0. 014 1K2. At the expected yield of 53 000 kg/hm2 , the optimized fertilization rate was N 568.9 - 631.9 kg/hm2, P205 242.7 - 321.3 kg/hm2, K20 684. 6 - 794. 8 kg/hm2, and the ratio of N: P: K was 1: 0. 47: 1.23. Compared with the local conventional fertilization, the N rate decreased 36. 3% in tem- perate area and 23.1% in warm temperate area. NPK fertilizer combined application increased greenhouse pepper yields significantly, and the effect of nitrogen fertilizer was significant at level of P 〈 0. 01, the effect of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were significant at level of P 〈 0. 05, the order of fertilizer effect was N 〉 K 〉 P. The interaction effects between N and P, N and K were significant positive. When N application was between 175 - 425 kg/hm2 , the pepper yield increased and then de- creased with the increasing of P application, but the yield increasing degree was declined. When N application was between 175 -573.7 kg/hm2, K effect showed a similar tendency to that of P fertilizer. Under the high N application level, pepper production increased with the increasing of P or K fertilizer application rate.
Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
greenhouse pepper
fertilizer effect
regression model
optimized fertilization
field experiment