目的了解广州市7~12岁流动儿童和户籍儿童口腔健康状况及其影响因素,为制定儿童口腔保健措施提供依据。方法 2016年4月,采取随机整群抽样方式选取广州市流动儿童学校和户籍儿童学校各2所,每所学校一至六年级各1个班,对1 034名儿童进行口腔检查和家长问卷调查。结果流动儿童乳、恒牙患龋率分别为67.28%(366/544),34.93%(190/544),均高于户籍儿童的25.9%(127/490)和2.4%(12/490)(χ~2值分别为176.789,172.984,P值均<0.01)。口腔健康知识知晓率及儿童口腔保健形成率户籍组均高于流动组(P值均<0.01)。儿童不同进食甜食习惯和刷牙习惯组间患龋率差异均有统计学意义(χ~2值分别为32.881,22.244,P值均<0.01)。结论广州市流动儿童患龋率较高,儿童与家长的口腔健康知识及保健行为均较差。应加强小学生及家长的口腔卫生健康教育,流动儿童家庭是重点人群。
Objective To evaluate the oral health conditions of migrant children aged 7-12 in Guangzhou city and that of native children, and to explore its influencing factors, so that to provide information support for the relevant departments to formulate measures to improve their oral health, and for promoting their healthy growth. Methods In April of 2016, random cluster sampling method was applied to select 4 schools in Guangzhou, 2 schools for migrant children and the other 2 for native children. In each school, 6 classes was chosen, each one from grade 1 to 6. An oral examination was offered to the 1 034 children and a questionnaire was conducted among their parents. Results The caries prevalence rates of the deciduous teeth ( 67.28%, 366/544) and permanent teeth( 34.93%, 190/544) among the migrant children were higher than those of the native children( 34.93%, 190/490; 2.58%, 13/490)(χ^2= 173.001, 174.907, P〈0.01). The awareness rate of oral health knowledge and the rate of having a oral health care in the group of native children were higher than tose of migrant children (P〈0.01) The differences in caries prevalence rates between groups of different habits of having desserts, and groups of different habits of teeth brushing were of statistical significance(χ^2= 32.881, 22.244, P〈0.01). Conclusion The prevalence of dental caries was higher in migrant children in Guangzhou, and the children and their parents had little knowledge of oral health and paid little attention to dental care. Oral health education should be strengthened for primary school students and their parents, especially the migrant children.
Chinese Journal of School Health