
牛乳头状瘤病诊断及其病毒基因型分析 被引量:3

Diagnosis of Bovine Papilloma and the Virus Genetyppe Analysis
摘要 对贵州省晴隆县某种牛场暴发的疑似牛乳头状肿瘤病进行诊断,采用流行病学调查、临床症状观察、病理切片观察、PCR检测和分子分型。结果显示,该种牛场牛乳头状瘤病发病率为35%(7/20)。瘤体多呈结节状及菜花状,颜色多呈灰白色。病理切片显示,瘤体呈现角质化过度和细胞空泡化现象。遗传进化树分析显示,贵州省晴隆县暴发的牛乳头状肿瘤病是由BPV2型牛乳头瘤病毒所引起。本研究为贵州地区牛乳头状瘤病的科学防控提供了一定的理论依据。 The purpose of this study was to diagnose the outbreak of suspected cattle papillary tumor in a cattle farm in Qinglong County in Guizhou province by the epidemiological investigation, clinical symptoms, pathological observation, PCR molecular detection and molecular typing. The results showed that the cattle farm bovine papilloma incidence rate was 35% (7/20). The tumor was nodular and cauliflower, and the color was gray. Pathological section showed that the tumor body had the phenomenon of stratum corneum and vacuole. Genetic evolutionary tree analysis showed that the outbreak of bovine papillary tumor in Qinglong County, Guizhou province was caused by the BPV2 type of bovine papilloma virus. This study provides a theoretical basis for the scientific prevention and control of bovine papilloma in Guizhou area.
出处 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第5期9-11,I0001,共4页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
基金 贵州省黔南州社会发展科技重大计划项目<喀斯特石漠化林草牧综合治理技术研究与示范>[黔南社发科(20140325)] 贵州现代肉牛产业技术体系专项(GZCYTX2015-0302-02) 贵州省农业委员会科技专项<动物疫病防控能力提升专项>(黔农财[2015]149号) "贵州省动物疫病防控与兽医公共卫生保障科技创新人才团队"(黔科合人才团队[2015]4016号) 贵州省农业委员会科技计划项目[2016-01号] 贵州大学大学生"SRT"计划项目(贵大SRT字(2015)094号)
关键词 牛乳头状瘤 诊断 基因型分析 Bovine papilloma diagnosis genotype analysis
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