设计一种基于TMS320F2812的脉冲信号参数测量仪系统,主要由DSPF2812最小系统核心板、TLV3501比较器、AD637峰值检波模块和DAC模块TLV5619构成,采用定时器的捕获模式进行数据采集和处理.系统能产生频率1 MHz、脉宽100 ns的标准脉冲信号,同时可以精确测量脉冲信号频率、占空比、幅值和上升时间.频率测量范围10 Hz^2 MHz,测量误差的绝对值不大于0.1%;占空比测量范围为10%~90%,测量误差的绝对值不大于2%;幅度范围0.1~10 V,测量误差的绝对值不大于2%;上升时间测量范围50~999 ns,测量误差不大于5%.可以作为高精度便携式专用脉冲信号测试仪表.
A pulse signal parameters measurement system was designed based on TMS320F2812, which was mainly composed of DSPF2812 minimum system board core, TLV3501 comparator, AD637 peak detection module and the DAC module TLV5619. It was used for the data acquisition and processing by the timer capture mode. The system could produce 1 MHz frequency, pulse width 100 ns pulse signal, and could accurately measure the pulse signal frequen- cy, duty cycle, amplitude and rise time. The absolute value of the measurement error is within 0.1% in 10 Hz - 2 MHz frequency measurement range; the absolute value of the measurement error is within 2% in 10% - 90% duty ratio measurement range; the absolute value of the measurement error is within 2% in 0.1- 10 V amplitude measurement range; the absolute value of the measurement error is within 5% in 50 - 999 ns rise time measurement range. It can be used as a special high-precision portable pulse signal testing instrument.
Journal of Yibin University