
激素吸入疗法对哮喘患者血清蛋白质组影响的研究 被引量:1

Research on inhaled corticosteroid therapy affects the serum proteome of patients with asthma
摘要 目的 分析健康人以及支气管哮喘患者在吸入糖皮质激素(ICS)治疗前后血清蛋白质组学资料,探讨可能的发病机制与治疗靶点.方法 选取2015年12月-2016年12月浙江省湖州市中医院确诊并收治的慢性持续性支气管哮喘患者102例,以及同期招募的健康志愿者102例,患者予常规ICS治疗8周后,比较支气管哮喘患者治疗前后和健康人的血清蛋白质组学资料.结果 治疗后,哮喘患者的肺功能仍较常人差(P〈0.05);另一方面,患者治疗前的血清HSP70、Eotaxin、MMP-9量高于健康人(P〈0.05),治疗后虽有下降(P〈0.05),但仍高于常人(P〈0.05).结论 人血清HSP70、Eotaxin、MMP-9可能不仅参与了哮喘发病的过程,且与ICS对哮喘的治疗机制有关. Objective Compare and analyze the serum proteomics data of healthy human and patients with bronchial asthma(both before and after ICS treatment).Then explore the possible pathogenesis and therapeutic targets.MethodsSelect 102 patients with chronic persistent asthma who were diagnosed and treated in our hospital during December 2015 to December 2016, and recruit 102 cases of healthy volunteers over the same period.The patients were treated with conventional ICS, after 8 weeks of treatment, compare and analyzethe serum proteomics data of healthy people and both patients with bronchial asthma (both before and after treatment).ResultsAfter treatment, patients with asthma still got poorer lung function than normal ones (P〈0.05);at the same time, all of the serum HSP70, Eotaxin, MMP-9 of pre-treatment patients were higher than healthy individuals (P〈0.05), although they had declined after treatment (P〈0.05), but still higher than normal people(P〈0.05).ConclusionHuman serum HSP70, Eotaxin, MMP-9 may not only be involved in the pathogenesis progress of asthma, but the mechanisms of treating asthma with ICS.
作者 吴昌安 张明峰 WU Chang-an ZHANG Ming-feng(Huzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Huzhou 313000, China)
出处 《中国生化药物杂志》 CAS 2017年第6期63-64,66,共3页 Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics
基金 浙江省湖州科技计划项目(2016GY44)
关键词 哮喘 蛋白质组学 吸入糖皮质激素 asthma proteomics inhaled corticosteroids
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