
288名大学生BMI现状及影响因素分析 被引量:8

Current situation and influence factors of 288 college students' Body Mass Index
摘要 目的了解湖北科技学院学生的BMI现状,并分析其影响因素如遗传、饮食、心理健康、生活方式、运动等。方法根据单纯随机抽样、整群抽样方法抽取288个学生,并自行设计BMI影响因素调查表,对其进行描述性统计研究,分析BMI现状,同时对影响BMI的各种因素进行秩和检验,有序logistic回归分析。结果 288名调查对象,体重过轻33人,比例为11.11%;体重正常217人;比例为75.35%;超重23人;比例为7.99%;肥胖为16人;比例5.55%,女大学生比男大学生的BMI指数分布曲线更为陡峭,大学生的体质指数(BMI)曲线比正态分布更为陡峭,大部分被调查对象的BMI分布在18.5 kg/m2~24 kg/m2,BMI在性别之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),在专业、年级、居住地及是否了解BMI之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),BMI在遗传因素、饮食因素、心理因素、运动因素之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论此次调查发现,288学生的BMI分布基本正常,但肥胖和超重仍占一定比例,BMI分级与遗传因素关系密切,精神心理因素和生活方式及膳食结构对BMI产生重要影响,运动因素对BMI的作用不容忽视。在今后的教育和学习生活中,应注重大学生身体素质的增强,开发高校体育课程资源,注重心理健康,提高并改善大学生膳食水平。 Objective To understand the status of students' Body Mass Index in Hubei university of science and technology and analyze the influential factors, such as heredity, dietary, psyche, lifestyle and physical exercise. Methods According to simple random sampling and cluster random sampling,288 students were selected as subjects. The BMI and influential factors questionnaire was designed. Descriptive statistics study was used to analyze the status of Body Mass Index, Kruskal-Wallis H tests and logistic regression were applied to analysis influential factors. Results In the total of 288 subjects, 32 students were underweight,accounting for 11.11% ,217 students were normal weight, accounting for 75.35% ,23 students belonged to overweight, accounting for 7.99% , 16 students belonged to obesity,accounting for 5.55%. The Histogram of BMI in women was more cliffy than men, the Histogram of BMI was more precipitous than normal distribution, BMI in the most of the subjeers were between 18.5 and 24. The BMI difference in the women and men was significant (P 〈 0. 05 ) , but in the school department, grade, place of residence and whether understand BMI, the difference were not significant ( P 〉 0. 05 ). The difference of BMI in the heredity, dietary ( except drink ), psyche, lifestyle and physical exercise had statistical significance ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion The distribution of Body Mass Index in the Hubei university of science and technology is approximate normal, but the overweight and obesity are continue to account the proportion, the heredity is closely linked with BMI, dietary, psyche,lifestyle and physical exercise have impact on BMI, the role of physical exercise is not neglected. In the education and school life, we should attach importance to enhance the physical attribute, develop the course of physical training, and increase the level of dietary.
作者 李远宁 李艳伟 汪庆 LI Yuan-ning LI Yan-wei WANG Qing(Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Xianning,Hubei 437100, China)
出处 《中国公共卫生管理》 2017年第3期375-379,共5页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
关键词 大学生 BMI 现状 影响因素 university students BMI status influential factors
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