
河北省沧州地区儿童眼外伤的流行病学特征 被引量:6

Epidemiological characteristics of pediatric ocular trauma in Cangzhou, Hebei
摘要 目的分析河北沧州儿童眼外伤流行病学特征。方法收集2011年8月至2016年8月间该地区住院治疗的少年儿童眼外伤281例(295眼)的临床资料,进行统计分析。结果2阻例中,男226例(80.42%),女55例(19.58%)。年龄10个月~17岁,平均(7.37±4.38)岁。致伤原因:玩具枪、石块等钝器伤89例(89眼,30.17%),锐器伤79例(79眼,26.78%),烟花爆竹伤37例(48眼,16.27%),跌倒伤16例(16眼,5.42%),不明原因及偶然发现14例(14眼,4.75%)等(χ^2=61.575,P=0.010)。损伤类型:非机械性眼外伤39眼(13.22%);机械性眼外伤256眼(86.78%),其中闭合性眼外伤153眼(51.86%),开放性眼外伤103眼(34.92%)。闭合性眼外伤中男多于女,开放性眼外伤中女多于男,两种眼外伤类型中性别差异有统计学意义(χ^2=4.410,P=0.041);婴幼儿及学龄前儿童更易发生开放性眼外伤而学龄儿童及少年则更易发生闭合性眼外伤,不同年龄组别中眼外伤类型分布差异有统计学意义(χ^2=12.310,P=0.006)。外伤后就诊时间1h~47.5d。结论少年儿童眼外伤中男性居多。玩具枪、石块等钝器伤为最常见的致伤原因。眼挫伤为最常见的眼外伤类型。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of pediatric ocular trauma in Cangzhou,Hebei. Methods The data of 295 eyes of 281 pediatric with ocular trauma in Cangzhou from August 2011 to August 2016 were collected and retrospectively analyzed. Results Among 281 pediatrics, 226 (80.42%) cases were boys, and 55 (19.58%) cases were girls. The age was 10 months -17 years, mean (7.37 ± 4.38 ) years. The most common cause of injuries was blunt objects such as toy guns and stone in 89 eyes (30. 17%), 79 eyes were hit by sharp instruments (26. 78%), fireworks in 48 eyes (16.27%), fall on the ground in 16 eyes (5.42%), and causes unknown (14 eyes, 4.75% ) (χ^2 = 61. 575, P =0. 010). In this case series, non-mechanical ocular trauma accounted in 39 eyes (13.22%) , and mechanical ocular trauma accounted in 256 eyes (86.78%) , of which closed globe injuries in 153 eyes (51.86%), open globe injuries in 103 eyes (34.92%). In mechanical ocular trauma, closed globe injuries were prone to boys, open globe injuries were prone to girls, and the difference in gender were significant between types of ocular trauma (χ^2 = 4. 410, P = 0. 041 ). Open globe injuries were more common occurred in infants and school children, closed globe injuries were more common occrued in preschool child and early youth, and the difference in type of ocular trauma in different age groups was significant (χ^2 = 12. 310, P = 0. 006). The admission time was 1 hour-47.5 days after injury. Conclusion Pediatric ocular trauma are prone to boys. The most common cause of injuries is blunt objects, such as toy guns and stone. Blunt ocular trauma is the most common type.
作者 张习 颜华
出处 《中华眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 2017年第6期469-472,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease
关键词 眼外伤 少年儿童 特点 流行病学 Ocular trauma, pediatric Characteristics
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