

Analysis on basic health status of family in Heilongjiang Province
摘要 目的探讨黑龙江省部分地区家庭基本卫生状况,为相关部门制订卫生政策提供数据支持。方法采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法抽取样本,2013年黑龙江省共计调查6601户,共18 016人,由培训合格的调查员入户调查并收集问卷。运用SAS 9.3软件进行统计分析,并将结果与2008年国家第四次卫生服务调查黑龙江省数据进行比较。结果 2013年黑龙江省城市住房类型以楼房和砖瓦房为主;农村住房类型以砖瓦房和土坯房为主,其中土坯房仍占28.1%;与2008年(农村土坯房的比例占37.5%)比较,住房条件虽改善,但农村土坯房的比例仍较高,居住条件依然较差。城市和农村居民饮用自来水的比例分别为96.7%和56.2%,使用卫生厕所的住户比例分别为92.5%和69.6%。农村自来水的饮用率和卫生厕所的比例显著低于城市,改水改厕任务仍十分艰巨。调查地区疾病和损伤均是致贫的首要原因,其次是劳动力人口少。城市地区住户就诊的医疗机构主要是综合医院、诊所/村卫生室、社区卫生服务中心。农村地区88.4%的住户选择在诊所或村卫生室就诊。结论农村地区的卫生条件差,居住条件及改水改厕任务仍十分艰巨。无论城市还是农村地区,疾病和损伤均是致贫的首要原因。 Objective To explore the basic health status of residents in Heilongjiang Province, in order to provide data for the relevant departments formulating health policies. Methods The method of stratified-cluster random sampling was used to obtain samples. A total of 6601 households which contained 18 016 residents were investigated in 2013 in Heilongjiang Province. By the training of qualified investigators to conduct surveys and collect questionnaires. SAS 9.3software was used for statistical analysis, and the data were compared with the fourth health service survey in 2008.Results In Heilongjiang Province, the housing type in urban areas were mainly about building and brick house. The housing type in rural areas were mainly about brick and adobe house, the housing type had improved, but the proportion of adobe housing was still up to 28.1% in rural areas. Compared with the results in 2008(37.5% of adobe housing), the living conditions were still poor. The proportion of tap water for residents in urban and rural areas were 96.7%and 56.2%. The proportion of sanitary latrines were 92.5% and 69.6%. The proportions of tap water and sanitary latrines in rural areas were significantly lower than those of cities, which had tough task. Disease and injury was the primary cause of poverty, followed by less labor force. The medical institutions in the urban areas were mainly general hospitals, clinics/village clinics and community health service centers. Rural areas were mainly in clinics or village clinics, accountted for 88.4%. Conclusion The medical conditions in rural areas are poor, the of living conditions, tasks of tap water and sanitary latrines are difficulty. Regardless of urban or rural, disease and injury are the primary cause of poverty.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2017年第18期56-58,共3页 China Medical Herald
基金 黑龙江省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201611230057)
关键词 卫生服务 卫生服务需要 可及性 Health services Health service demand Accessibility
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