
伏尔加河大宗商品运输与近代俄国经济发展(1850——1913) 被引量:3

The Shipping of Bulk Commodities on the Volga and the Economic Development of Modern Russia(1850-1913)
摘要 有关伏尔加河水运的研究需进一步明确水运与国民经济整体发展状况以及其在俄国社会从传统向近代转型过程中所起的综合作用。在近代俄国铁路运输还没有占据主导地位之前,伏尔加河在干支流货流及其结构上体现了大宗商品运输的优势,粮食木材等大宗商品运输最大限度地推高了原料和原材料的商品率,水运专业化指数显示其撬动的市场规模效应。商品流通所形成的市场及其专门化促进各地相关产业发展,这些内在要素与造船业更新换代结合在一起,构成水路沿线城市兴起的根基,其中阿斯特拉罕等更是从小渔村发展为区域中心城市。19世纪下半期到20世纪初伏尔加河水运大宗商品流通、专业化市场与产业发展是俄国近代社会经济史研究的新领域。 Research on the Volga as a transport conduit must clarify the relationship between water transport and the overall development of the national economy as well as the synthesizing effect of water transport in Russia's transformation from a traditional to a modern society.Prior to the dominance of rail transport,the advantage of the Volga for shipping bulk commodities was reflected in terms of the flow of goods on the main stem river and its tributaries.The shipping of grain,timber and other commodities maximized the commodity rate of raw materials,and the river's market scale effect can be seen from the water transport specialization index.The market formed by commodity circulation and the associated specialization encouraged the development of related industries.These internal factors,together with shipbuilding improvements,constituted the foundation for the emergence of cities along the waterway,with Astrakhan growing from a small fishing village to a regional urban center.The transport of bulk commodities along the Volga,the development of specialized markets and industry growth from the late 19^(th) to the early 20^(th) century constitute new fields for research on the pre-Soviet social and economic history of Russia.
作者 张广翔
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期114-136,共23页 Historical Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"1861-1917年俄国等级和阶级结构研究"(11BS018)的阶段性成果
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