
2013年我国主流媒体关注的食品安全事件分析 被引量:4

Food safety incidents reported by streamline media in 2013 in China
摘要 目的分析我国2013年经媒体报道食品安全事件的发生特点及趋势,为食品安全监管提供参考。方法通过平面媒体、各大门户网站、新闻网站及政府舆情专报收集、整理并分析我国2013年1月1日至2013年12月31日期间经媒体报道的食品安全事件,研究其发生特点及趋势。结果 2013年1月1日至2013年12月31日,我国累计报道食品安全事件740件,其中报道数最多的省份为广东,占17.6%,其次为山东、浙江和江苏;各月份报道的食品安全事件数未有相对明显的趋势;涉及畜禽肉及其制品的报道事件最多(22.2%),其次为零食类休闲食品(7.2%);食品生产加工环节占近2/3,初级农产品的生产占13.9%,流通销售和餐饮消费分别占10.2%和8.0%;致病性微生物、农药残留、兽药残留和重金属超标的比例占22.2%,其次为采用非食品原料生产或添加非食品用化学物;媒体报道食品安全事件所致危害或潜在危害中31.8%为食品添加剂和非法添加物。结论肉及肉制品、零食等休闲食品的安全问题相对高发;生产加工和流通环节为食品安全高危环节;致病性微生物、农/兽药残留、重金属超标和违反食品添加剂管理规定等问题相对突出;化学危害是报道食品安全事件的主要危害。 Objective To provide reference for food safety supervision and management by analyzing the characteristics and trends of food safety incidents reported by media in 2013 in china. Methods Data were collected and collated from food safety incidents reported by printed media, major web portals, news websites and public opinion reports of the government during 2013.1.1 and 2013.12.31 with their occurrence characteristics and trends studied. Results Food safety incidents reported by media added up to 740 cases during 2013.1.1 and 2013.12.31 in China, of which the most reported was in Guangdong province, with 130 accounting for 17.6% of the total, next followed by Shandong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces. The number of incidents reported for each month did not show an obvious trend, yet incidents occurred more frequently in September and October. As for related food types, 164 incidents ( 22, 2% of the total) related to poultry meat and meat products; snacks were involved in 53 incidents, accounting for 7.2% of the total. Nearly 2/3 of the incidents resulted from problems of production and processing links, among which 13.9% were from the production of primary agricultural products, 10.2% and 8.0% from sales and circulation, and catering consumption respectively. About 40. 3% of the food safety issues reported by media were related to circulation. As for nature of the incidents, pathogenic micro organisms, pesticides or veterinary drug residues and excessive contents of heavy metals was 22.2%, followed by processing with non-food raw materials or adding non-food chemicals. And 31.8% of hazards or potential hazards in reported food safety incidents during 2013 were food additives and illegal additives. Conclusion Food safety incidents involving meat, meat products and snacks have a relatively higher occurrence. Food production, processing and circulation have become high risk links in food safety issues. Pathogenic micro organisms, pesticides or veterinary drug residues, excessive contents of heavy metals and violation of food additives management stipulations are relatively serious problems. Chemical hazard is one of the major hazards in food safety issues.
作者 陈莉莉 董瑞华 张晗 陈波 厉曙光 CHEN Li-li DONG Rui-hua ZHANG Han CHEN Bo LI Shu-guang(School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, Chin)
出处 《上海预防医学》 CAS 2017年第6期457-462,共6页 Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11AZD027)
关键词 食品安全 事件 媒体 food safety incidents media
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