

The rule and distribution of Avian Reovirus dynamical antibody in chicken and establishment of immune baseline
摘要 随机采集不同日龄(0 d、21d、35 d、75 d、126 d、168 d、245d、315d和360d)的黄羽鸡血清样品,每种日龄采集276份,共计2484份,运用间接ELISA方法进行禽呼肠弧病毒(ARV)抗体检测,测定抗体变化规律,确定抗体分布基准线。结果发现,0 d ARV的抗体滴度在1500抗体左右,抗体阳性率为71.10%;21d抗体滴度值下降到220左右,抗体阳性率降到最低,为28.99%;35d抗体开始缓慢上升,抗体阳性率为33.33%;70 d时抗体滴度值继续攀升,到126 d抗体滴度值和抗体阳性率均达到最高峰;168 d时抗体开始缓慢回落,一直持续到360d。抗体分布特点是0d抗体滴度主要集中0~2000之间,占76.09%(210/276),21d抗体滴度为0的鸡群占90.58%(250/276),35d抗体滴度400-1000的鸡群占40.58%(112/276),1000~2000的占24.64%(68/276);70d抗体滴度在1000~4000之间,占75.72%(209/276),126d时抗体开始分散分布,但5000~8000滴度的鸡群最多,占30.07%(83/276),168d^315d抗体比较分散,360d抗体滴度又集中到400~5000之间,81.16%(224/276)。首次确定黄羽鸡ARV免疫抗体基准线,即0d在1301.39~1733.12之间,平均1517.25;21d时在193.61~246.11之间,平均219.86;35d在730.49~890.66之间,平均810.57;70d在2780.39~3525.47之间,平均3152.93;126d在6837.96~8337.65之间,平均7587.80;168d在6510.14~8078.84之间,平均7294.49;245d在5251.44~6662.26之间,平均5956.85;315d在4289.82~5306.74之间,平均4798.28;360d在3179.41~4150.10之间,平均3664.76。 2484 serum samples,eachday for 276,were collected from yellow chickens at different ages (0d,21 d,35d,75d, 126d, 168d, 245d,315d and 360d) to be examined onAvian Reovirus (ARV) antibody by indirect ELISA.The dynamical antibodies of ARV were determined andthe distribution baselines ofthe antibodies were established.The results showed that ARV antibody titers were about 1500 at 0 day and antibody-positive rate was 71.1%. At 21 days,the antibody leveldeclined and antibody titer dropped to about 220 and the lowest antibody-positive rate was 28.99%. The antibody level begin to increase slowly at 35days and antibody-positive rate was33.33%.At 70 days the antibody titer continued to increase and lasted until 126 days ,reaching the highest peak.Then the antibody level began to falland lasted until 360 days.There were the rule of distribution of dynamical antibody. The antibody titers were mainly concentrated between 0-2000, 76. 09% (210/276) at 0 day.There were 90.58% of the antibody titers, accounting for 0 (250/276)at 2 l days. 400-1000 of the antibody titer chickens accounted for 40.58% (112/276) and 1000-2000 of that was 24.64% (68/276) at 35days.The antibody titers mainlyeoncentratedonbetween lO00-4000,accounting .for 75.72% (209/276) at 70days.The antibodytiters began dispersing distribution126 days.But there were 30.07% (83/276) of the antibody titers,focusing on between 5000-8000.From 168 days to315 daysthe antibodies were scattered. Until 360d antibody titersag ain concentrated on between 4000-5000,accounting for81.16% (224/276). 7he antibody baseline of the yellow feathers was determined for the first time. 0d was from 1301.39 to 1733.12,the average of 1517.25;21 d was from 193.61 to 246.11,the average of 219.86;35d was from 730.49 to 890.66, the average of 810.57;70d was from 2780.39 to 3525.47,the average of 3152.93;126d was from 6837.96 to 8337.65, the average of 7587.80;168d was from 6510.14 to 8078.84,the average of 7294.49;245d was from 5251.44to 6662.26,the average of 5956.85;315d was from 4289.82 to 5306.74,the average of 4798.28. 360d was from 3179.41 to 4150.10, the average of 3664.76.
出处 《大众科技》 2017年第5期104-107,共4页 Popular Science & Technology
关键词 呼肠弧病毒 抗体变化规律 分布特点 免疫基准线 Avian Reovirus dynamical antibody distribution immune baseline chicken
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