非功能性需求(non-functional requirement,NFR)是当前软件工程研究的一个重要课题,是衡量一个软件是否达到用户满意度的重要指标,而软目标相互依存图是描述非功能性需求的重要方法之一。文章研究了根据相互依存图实现软目标最优化的问题,根据软目标的不同,定义了2种图论模型作为非功能需求的理论模型,并给出了相应的计算复杂性。该文模型可以对非功能性需求进行评价,所提出的算法可以为用户(开发者)找出最优的非功能需求选择方案,从而在软件开发过程中为非功能需求分析提供可靠而有效的方法。
Non-functional requirement(NFR) of software is an important research topic in software en- gineering nowadays. It becomes an indicator of whether the software achieves the customer satisfaction or not. Softgoal Interdependency Graph is one of the methods to describe NFRs. In this paper, the realization of the optimal choice of softgoals by Softgoal Interdependency Graph is studied. Ac- cording to different softgoals, two kinds of modified graphs are defined and used as the theoretical models of NFRs. And the corresponding computational complexity results are given. The models can be used to evaluate the NFRs, and the algorithms can help users or developers to find the optimal strategy in multiple NFRs. It can provide a valid and efficient way to meet NFRs in tile development of software.
Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science