目的探讨胃息肉的临床特点及其与幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染的关系,为治疗和诊断胃息肉提供帮助及临床依据。方法对胃息肉的一般情况及病理特征、有无H.pylori感染进行收集并进行回顾性分析。结果共收集779例胃息肉患者,检出率4.7%,男248例,女531例,男女之比为1∶2.1,58.9%的胃息肉患者年龄40~60岁,单发息肉632例(81.2%),多发息肉147例(18.8%);694例(89.1%)患者胃息肉的直径≤1.0 cm;胃息肉中H.pylori的感染率为37.7%;不同部位的胃息肉大小差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),不同病理类型的胃息肉之间的H.pylori感染差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),胃体、胃底部息肉H.pylori的感染率高于其他部位(P<0.05)。结论胃息肉在内镜下直径较小,多数<1.0 cm,一般以单发为主,女性较男性多见,多数好发于中老年人,胃息肉主要发生于胃体和胃底,病理组织类型以增生性息肉为主,增生性息肉的H.pylori感染率均高于炎性息肉和腺瘤性息肉,增生性息肉可能与H.pylori感染有关。了解胃息肉的临床特点及与H.pylori的关系,可以帮助对胃息肉性质的初步诊断,有助于内镜下指导治疗及随访观察。
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of gastric polyps and the relationship with Helicobacter pylori( H. pylori) infection to provide clinical evidence for the treatment and diagnosis of gastric polyps. Methods The general situation,pathological characteristics and H. pylori infection of gastric polyps were collected and analyzed retrospectively. Results A total of 779 cases of gastric polyps patients were collected,the detection rate was 4. 7%,248 cases were male and 531 cases were female; male cases to female cases ratio was 1 ∶ 2. 1,the ages of 58. 9% patients with gastric polyps were from 40 to 60 years old,there were single gastric polyp in 632 cases( 81. 2%) and multiple gastric polyps in 147 cases( 18. 8%). The diameter of gastric polyp was less than 1. 0 cm in 694 cases( 89. 1%).H. pylori infection rate of gastric polyps was 37. 7%. The differences existed in different parts of gastric polyp size( P〈0. 05). H. pylori infection rates were different in different pathological types of gastric ployps( P〈0. 05). H. pylori infection rate was higher in fundus and body polyps of stomach than the other part( P〈0. 05). Conclusion The diameter of gastric polyps under endoscopy is relatively small and less than 1. 0 cm,they are generally single; more male patients than female patients and most of them are elderly; gastric polyps occurr mainly in the gastric body and gastric fundus. H. pylori infection rate of hyperplastic polyps is higher than that of inflammatory polyps and adenomatous polyps.Hyperplastic polyps may be related to H. pylori infection. Understanding the clinical characteristics of gastric polyps and the relationship with H. pylori can help to make a preliminary diagnosis of the nature of gastric polyps.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Gastric polyps
Helicobacter pylori