信号的码元速率对调制信号的识别、非合作通信的盲解调等有重要作用。针对现有参数估计成果的可移植性差、共享性弱等问题,以GNU Radio软件无线电平台为基础,利用包络平方谱理论对MPSK信号的码元速率进行估计,并研究GNU Radio模块内的数据处理原理,编写了一种基于包络平方谱的参数估计模块。通过与Matlab软件的仿真数据对比分析,证明了基于GNU Radio平台的码元速率估计模块的正确性。
What is known to us is that Signal Symbol Rate (SSR) plays a vital important in as identification of modulated signal and blind demodulation in non - cooperative communication. many aspects, such Due to the present shortages of poor portable and weak sharing, the paper estimated the Symbol Rate (SR) by utilizing Envelope Square Spectrum (ESS) theory, studied the signal processing principle within GNU Radio modules and developed an estima- tion module of simulated data Symbol Rate( SR), based on ESS theory over the software GNU Radio platform. Compared with the from Matlab, it proves the validity of the symbol rate estimation module based on GNU Radio.
Electronic Science and Technology