文章针对企业进销存管理中账目混乱、库存不准和信息反馈不及时等问题,使用Java Swing技术和SQL Server2016数据库开发了跨平台的企业进销存管理系统。实现了对企业的进货、销售和库存的统一信息化管理,有效地规避了各个环节中的可能出现的错误,使企业更加合理高效地安排生产,提升企业的市场竞争力。该系统相比于传统的管理系统有着无可替代的优越性。
This paper develops a cross-platform enterprise invoicing management system using Java Swing technology and SQL Server 2016 database in view of the problems of confusing accounting, inaccurate inventory and delayed information feedback in enterprise invoicing management. The system could achieve the unified information management of the enterprise purchase, sales and inventory, which is effectively to avoid the possible errors of all aspects, so that enterprises provide arrangements for production more reasonably and efficiently, thus enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises. Compared with the traditional management system, the system has irreplaceable advantages.
Intelligent Computer and Applications