Administrative omission refers to the administrative bodies adopt a negative attitude to fulfil their legal duties due to their seeking for benefit or avoidance of obligations. The fundamental reason why administrative o- mission exist is the lack of effective power restriction system to the administrative power. At present, China's measures in administrative omission governance including the government's self--supervision and correction such as administrative review, administrative supervision, the governing party supervision (the CCP supervision), and the judicial(administrative proceedings) supervision and correction, and the judicial (administrative proceedings) is the fundamental way. However, these way are not able to take effective control in administrative omission in prac- tice, nor do it in the area of restriction to the administrative power. The power restriction require that the power should be divided clearly and restrict effectively, and the power clearly divided is premise. The lack of dived be- tween the juridical power and administrative power is seen that the court's necessary supplement such as the staff, the office expenses, the other office needed, are all dependent on the government's providing, this lead to the ju- ridical power has not completely independent to the administrative power yet and the juridical power cannot restrict the administrative power either. Hence, under the sight of power restriction, only did through the system design to form a clearly divide between juridical power and administrative power, make sure that the court is independent to the government's supplement in staff and office necessary, and the independently adjudgment in administrative proceeding, then to promote the developing of the effective restriction that iuridical power to administrative power, there would be an effective governance in the administrative omission.
Journal of Shanxi Radio & TV University
administrative omission
judicial power and administrative power
power divide clearly
restriction toadministrative power
governance in administrative omission