

Studying on the Governance in Judicature to the Administrative Omission in the Perspective of Power Restriction
摘要 行政不作为是行政机关出于利益或出于规避责任,对自己应当履行且有条件履行的行政职权消极履行甚至不履行行为,其存在的根本原因是我国行政权力缺乏有力的制约机制。我国当前行政不作为的治理主要通过行政复议,行政监察自我监督纠正;中国共产党纪律检查机关依据党纪国法的监督,以及行政诉讼司法途径治理。而司法途径是治理行政不作为、约束行政权力最根本的途径。然而实践中,这些途径未能对行政权力形成有力制约,因而不能对行政不作为形成有效治理。权力制约要求权力的明确分立与有力制约,权力的明确分立是有力制约的前提。而我国当前行政权力与司法权力并未明确分立,集中体现在我国当前行政机关与司法机关在人、财、物方面对同级行政机关的依赖,这导致我国司法权力与行政权力未能明确分立进而导致我国司法权力不能形成有力制约。因此在权力制约视角下,只有通过制度设计改革将司法权力与行政权力明确分立,实现司法机关对行政机关不存在依赖关系,保证法院对行政诉讼真正独立的审判,逐步实现司法权力对行政权力能够有力的制约,才能从根本上对行政不作为形成有效治理。 Administrative omission refers to the administrative bodies adopt a negative attitude to fulfil their legal duties due to their seeking for benefit or avoidance of obligations. The fundamental reason why administrative o- mission exist is the lack of effective power restriction system to the administrative power. At present, China's measures in administrative omission governance including the government's self--supervision and correction such as administrative review, administrative supervision, the governing party supervision (the CCP supervision), and the judicial(administrative proceedings) supervision and correction, and the judicial (administrative proceedings) is the fundamental way. However, these way are not able to take effective control in administrative omission in prac- tice, nor do it in the area of restriction to the administrative power. The power restriction require that the power should be divided clearly and restrict effectively, and the power clearly divided is premise. The lack of dived be- tween the juridical power and administrative power is seen that the court's necessary supplement such as the staff, the office expenses, the other office needed, are all dependent on the government's providing, this lead to the ju- ridical power has not completely independent to the administrative power yet and the juridical power cannot restrict the administrative power either. Hence, under the sight of power restriction, only did through the system design to form a clearly divide between juridical power and administrative power, make sure that the court is independent to the government's supplement in staff and office necessary, and the independently adjudgment in administrative proceeding, then to promote the developing of the effective restriction that iuridical power to administrative power, there would be an effective governance in the administrative omission.
作者 胡金文
出处 《山西广播电视大学学报》 2017年第3期69-75,共7页 Journal of Shanxi Radio & TV University
基金 国家社科基金项目"政府履职行为懈怠的重新界定及其治理"(13BFX042)阶段性研究成果
关键词 行政不作为 司法权与行政权力 权力明确分立 行政权力制约 行政不作为治理 administrative omission judicial power and administrative power power divide clearly restriction toadministrative power governance in administrative omission
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