目的:观察吴茱萸散联合甘草锌治疗小儿轮状病毒性肠炎的疗效。方法:将轮状病毒性肠炎患儿80例随机分为治疗组和对照组各40例,对照组给予利巴韦林注射液10~15 mg/(kg·d)静脉滴注,1次/d,3天为1个疗程。治疗组在对照组治疗的基础上口服甘草锌颗粒,6个月龄以下10 mg/d,6个月龄以上20 mg/d,同时脐窝外敷吴茱萸散,5天后观察疗效。结果:治疗组总有效率为96.67%,高于对照组的83.33%(χ~2=12.27,P<0.01),且患儿轮状病毒抗原(RV-Ag)转阴时间和大便次数、性状恢复正常时间均短于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:吴茱萸散与甘草锌联合治疗小儿轮状病毒性肠炎效果良好,可有效缩短病程。
Objective: To observe clinical effects of WuZhuYu powder jointed with licorzinc in treating the children with rotaviral enteritis. Methods: Eighty children were randomized into the treatment group and the control group, 40 cases each group, the control group accepted intravenous dripping ofribavirin injection, 10-15 mg/ ( kg. d), once per day, three days were one course of the treatment. The treatment group took licorzinc based on the treatment the control group accepted, the baby younger than six months, 10 mg/d, the baby elder than six months, 20 mg/d, simultaneously, WuZhuYu powder for external use at the umbilicus. Clinical effects were observed in five days. Results: Total effective rate of the treatment group was 96.67%, higher than 83.33% of the control group notably (χ^2=12.27, P〈0.01), and shorter than the control group in negative-conversion time of rotavirus, the frequency of bowel movement, the time of properties restoring to normal (P〈0.05). Conclusion: WuZhuYu powder jointed with licorzinc is effective in treating the children with rotaviral enteritis, and it could shorten the course of the disease effectively.
Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
enteritis, rotavirus
WuZhuYu powder
treatment, clinical study