Because the offshore operation have high risk, long operation cycle and narrow operation space, more and more people are reluctant to engage in fishing. The phenomenon of fishermen's labor shortage occurred in the coastal areas of China. This article analyzed the employment game situation of boatmen and fishermen in two different modes through Leontief model and bargaining game model of alternate bid. According to the conclusion of the game model, the game final results of boatmen and fishermen have no relationship with the game time limit, only depending on the discount factor of boatmen and fishermen on both sides. The government should control fishing intensity strictly and set up service centers for adventitious fishermen to resolve the problem of fishermen's labor shortage, so that the marine fishing industry can be developed sustainably. The boatmen should speed up the process of fishery machinery, broaden the employment channels and reinforce training for fishermen. Fishermen should enhance their technology and ability, join in organizations that ensure their benefits and increase the methods of collecting recruitment information.
Chinese Fisheries Economics
labor shortage of fishermen
employment game
improvement suggestions