
绿茶诱导乳腺癌细胞凋亡的研究 被引量:1

Study on apoptosis of breast cancer cells induced by green tea
摘要 目的 研究绿茶诱导乳腺癌细胞凋亡的情况,了解绿茶预防肿瘤的作用.方法 培养人乳腺癌细胞株(MDA-MB-231),加入不同浓度绿茶的主要成分-儿茶酚胺(EGCG),通过MTT法,彗星试验,流式细胞仪,Caspase-3活性测定来对人乳腺癌细胞株(MDA-MB-231)进行检测.结果 MTT比色法中,在用0.2 mmol/L的EGCG处理细胞48 h后观察到实验组的细胞增殖受到抑制(最低吸光度值0.391±0.041,t=4.223,P〈0.01).彗星实验中,0.2 mmol/LEGCG处理细胞48 h的实验组呈现出相当长的拖尾[对照组平均(4.92±0.64)μm,实验组平均(18.76±1.37)μm,P=0.003].流式细胞仪检测MDA-MB-231细胞株暴露于EGCG后细胞凋亡率显著上升[0.2 mmol/LEGCG处理细胞48 h的实验组细胞凋亡率(29.370±1.485),t=11.125,P〈0.01].EGCG诱导细胞凋亡及Caspase-3活性率均依赖于时间和剂量(Caspase 3比色法:0.2 mmol/L EGCG处理细胞48 h的实验组OD值0.144±0.045,t=5.321,P〈0.01).结论 EGCG通过影响细胞凋亡对乳腺癌的治疗及预防可能会有作用. Objective To study the apoptosis of breast cancer cells induced by green tea and the preventive effect of green tea on cancer.Methods Catecholamine,the main components of green tea was added into human breast cancer cell line(MDA-MB-231) with different concentrations,and then human breast cancer cell line was measured by MTT assay,comet assay,flow cytometry and caspase-3 activity assay respectively.Results After treatment with 0.2mmol/L EGCG for 48 h,the cell proliferation was inhibited in the experimental group in MTT assay[minimum absorbance value (0.391±0.041),t=4.223 P〈0.01].In comet assay,cells treated with 0.2mmol/L EGCG for 48 h in the experimental group showed a fairly long tail[control group average value (4.92±0.64)μm,the experimental group average value (18.76±1.37)μm,P=0.003].The rate of cell apoptosis increased significantly by testing MDA-MB-231 exposed to EGCG with flow cytometry.The apoptotic rate of the cells exposed to 0.2mmol/L EGCG for 48 h in the experimental group was (29.370±1.485)(t=11.125,P〈0.01).EGCG induced apoptosis and caspase-3 activity rate was dependent on time and dose.The OD value of caspase-3 observed by the colorimetric method in cells exposed to 0.2mmol/L EGCG for 48 h in the experimental group was (0.144±0.045)(t=5.321,P〈0.01).Conclusion EGCG may play a role in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer by affecting apoptosis.
出处 《中国基层医药》 CAS 2017年第15期2371-2375,共5页 Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy
关键词 细胞凋亡 CASPASE-3 Tea Apoptosis Caspase - 3
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