
肝移植术后代谢并发症危险因素及管理措施的研究进展 被引量:6

Research progress on risk factors and management measures of metabolic complications after liver transplantation
摘要 肝移植术后常见代谢并发症包括糖尿病、高血压、高血脂和肥胖,对并发症发生概况、危险因素及管理措施进行综述,旨在提示护理人员认识代谢并发症的危险因素,并进行评估监测,及时采取生活方式或药物干预,提高病人术后生活质量。 It reviewed the common metabolic complications including diabetes,hypertension,hyperlipidemia and obesity.And it reviewed.the complication occurrence status,risk factors and management measures,so as to prompt nursing personnel to understand the risk factors of metabolic complications,and to carry out the evaluation and monitoring,timely adop lifestyle or drug interventions,so as to improve postoperative quality of life of patients.
出处 《护理研究(中旬版)》 2017年第7期2433-2436,共4页 Chinese Nursing Researsh
基金 复旦大学护理科研基金项目 编号:FNF201424
关键词 肝移植 代谢并发症 危险因素 生活质量 管理措施 liver transplantation metabolic complications risk factors quality of life management measures
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