目的 :评价酸蚀对Dyract与牙体硬组织之间密合度的影响。 方法 :离体牙制备成V类洞 ,经酸蚀和未酸蚀处理 ,Dyract常规充填 ,应用扫描电镜观察。结果 :低倍镜下 ,Dyract在使用和未使用酸蚀剂时均与牙釉质、牙本质之间的密合度良好 ;高倍镜下 ,Dyract在未使用酸蚀时 ,与牙釉质间的混合层内有时可见 0 .8~ 1.4μm的微缝隙 ;使用酸蚀剂后Dyract与牙釉质间的界面见充填材料与牙釉质直接粘结。无论酸蚀与否 ,Dyract与牙本质密合度好。结论
Objective:To observe the adaptation of Dyract to enamel and dentin in using etch or nonetch technique.Methods:Conventional class V cavities were propared on buccal surfaces of the human premolars.The premolars were randomly divided for etch and noneched groups. Using scanning electron microscopic examination.Results:There were 0.8~1.4μm microleakages in hybrid layers of Dyract-enamel interface in nonetched group. Direct adhesion of Dyract-enamel interface was observed in etched group. Dyract showed good adaptation to dentin whether etch techniqe was applied or not.Conclusions:Etch technique can improve the adaptation of Dyract to enamel.
Journal of Oral Science Research