
自闭症儿童共同注意早期干预研究综述 被引量:13

A Review of the Research into Early Interventions in Autistic Children's Joint Attention
摘要 共同注意是自闭症儿童的核心缺陷,它与儿童语言、游戏、模仿等能力存在着密切关系,因此大部分研究者将共同注意作为自闭症儿童早期干预的关键领域。文章主要利用EBSCO数据库进行检索,搜集了国外2007-2016年间发表的针对自闭症儿童共同注意能力进行早期干预的文献,从研究设计、干预对象、干预目标、干预过程、干预结果五方面对当前干预实践的现状进行分析。研究发现自闭症儿童共同注意早期干预实践中研究方法有待丰富、研究对象有待调整、干预实践有待优化,并为后续研究的开展提出相关建议。 Joint attention, where autistic children generally have core defects, is closely connected with their abilities in language, games, imitations and so on; therefore, most researchers view it as a key area of early interventions in autistic children. This study, based on the research literature from the EBSCO database between 2007 and 2016 involving the practice of early interventions in autistic children's joint attention, analyzed the present practice of the interventions in terms of research designing, intervention objects, intervention goals, intervention process, and intervention results. The study concluded that it was a must to enrich the research methods, readjust the research objects, and improve the practice of interveytions; also, the authors offered suggestions for the follow-up research.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期49-54,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 国家社会科学基金"十二五"规划2012年度教育学青年课题"自闭症谱系障碍儿童家庭支持系统研究"(课题批准号:CHA120136)的成果之一
关键词 自闭症 共同注意 早期干预 autism joint attention early intervention
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