

An Experimental Study of the Underconfidence-with-Practice Effect in Higher and Lower Sports Skill Students
摘要 研究通过两个实验探讨了高低运动技能者的练习伴随低估效应,结果发现运动技能低者在第二次学习测验中出现练习伴随低估效应,而运动技能高者在两个实验中均未发现练习伴随低估效应,说明运动技能高低影响到练习伴随低估效应的出现。无论运动技能高低,被试的相对准确性都随着学习测验次数的增多而提高。以上研究结果说明,练习伴随低估效应受到多种因素的影响,单一的理论假说无法解释该效应的全部。 The present study, based on two experiments, aims to explore the underconfidence- with-practice (UWP) effect from students with higher and lower sports skills. According to the results, the students with lower sports skills showed the UWP effect in the second learning test, whereas those with higher sports skill showed no UWP effect in the two learning tests, indicating that sports skills affect the UWP effect. Those with either higher or lower sports skills improved their relative accuracy with the increase of the learning tests. These research results indicate that the UWP effect is affected by various factors, and that a single theory cannot explain it completely.
作者 王相英
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期91-96,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 练习伴随低估效应 学习判断 相对准确性 underconfidence-with-practice effect judgment of learning relative accuracy
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