
转换器控制的汽车感应发电机发电效率的优化控制 被引量:1

Optimal Control of Induction Generator Power Generation Efficiency with Converter Control
摘要 为提高汽车发电机的发电性能,通过对汽车感应发电机的电磁理论分析,提出技术改进方案,在发电机的直流回路上根据转速状况,通过直流源连接转换器控制场效应管的导通或关断,使发电机双Y形输出经整流的2个直流源串接或并接,提高发电机输出效率。通过试验表明,在发电机直流回路上合理改变2个直流源的电气连接方式,能够改善汽车发电机的发电性能,输出功率至少提高25%,能够节能降耗,证明它的可靠性。 In order to improve the power generation performance of automobile alternator, by electromagnetic theory analysis of automotive induction generator , a set of technical improvement plan was put forward, according to the speed of the DC circuit of the generator. It could control the field effect tube through the DC source connection converter to control the turn-on or turn off. It is capable of generating a series of two DC generators with a double Y-shaped output of the generator and a series connection. It improve the output efficiency of the generator. Experiments show that in the generator DC circuit, through the reasonable change of the two DC source connection modes, Improve the power performance of automobile generator. Output power is increased by at least 25% ,saving energy and consumption. The results prove it has high reliability.
机构地区 烟台南山学院
出处 《微特电机》 北大核心 2017年第6期90-93,共4页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
基金 教育部大学生创新创业训练计划立项项目(201512332010)
关键词 汽车发电机 双Y形绕组 直流源 变换连接方式 发电机 automotive generator double Y windings DC source variable connection power generation
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