
空间与身份:玛丽娜·卡尔的悲剧三部曲研究 被引量:2

Space and Identity:A Study of Marina Carr's Tragic Trilogy
摘要 玛丽娜·卡尔是当代爱尔兰最杰出的女性剧作家。她以自己的成长地——爱尔兰中部地区为背景创作的悲剧三部曲《梅》、《鲍西娅·考夫兰》、《猫原边……》,打破了民爱尔兰男性剧作家单一话语和强调民族身份的叙事传统,把被边缘化的爱尔兰女性呈现在舞台中心。女主角在封闭、压抑的家宅空间和开放、神秘的自然空间中游走,在记忆与现实交织的心理空间中挣扎,在父权主义和天主教权威压制的社会空间中抗争,最终在沼泽地自杀身亡。她们的叛逆行为挑战、颠覆了爱尔兰女性"房中天使"的他者身份。剧作家通过探究悲剧女主角在由家宅空间、自然空间、心理空间和社会空间组成的戏剧空间隐喻中自我身份的建构,对当代爱尔兰社会女性的边缘身份提出质疑和反思。 Marina Carr is one of the most prominent contemporary Irish playwrights.Set in the midlands of Ireland where she grew up,Carr Wrote the tragic trilogy namely,The Mai,Portia Coughlan and By the Bog of Cats.has broken the singular discourse mode dominated by Irish male playwrights and the framework of national identity.She presents the marginalized Irish females in the center of the stage and reveals their living situation and spiritual yearnings.In her trilogy,the heroines live between the limited,suffocating houses and the open,mysterious nature,struggle in their split psychological space intertwined by the memories and the reality,fight in the patriarchal and Irish Catholic social space.Their rebellions have challenged the traditional roles of Irish woman as'angle in the house'.The playwright explores the reconstruction of heroines' identity in the metaphorical dramatic world interwoven by the houses,the nature,the psychological space and the social space.She questions and reflects the marginalized identity of women in the contemporary Irish society.
作者 汤平 石坚
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期120-128,共9页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2015年度四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项--区域与国别研究项目"当代爱尔兰女性剧作家的空间诗学研究"(批准号:skzx2015-gb74)的阶段性成果
关键词 玛丽娜·卡尔 空间 记忆 身份建构 Marina Carr space memory identity construction
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  • 7Roche, Anthony. "Woman on the Threshold: J. M. Synge's The Shadow of the Glen ; Teresa Deevy's Katie Roche ; and Marina Cart's The Mai. " The Theatre of Marina Carr : ' before rules was made '.
  • 8Roche, Anthony.Contemporary Irish Drama: From Beckett to McGuinness. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1994.
  • 9Sihra, Melissa. "A Cautionary Tale: Marina Carr's By the Bog of Cats...." Modern and Contemporary 1- rish Drama. Ed. John P. Harrington. New York: Norton, 2009.
  • 10Sihra, Melissa. "The House of Woman and the Plays of Marina Carr." Women in Irish Drama: A Century of Au- thorship and Representation.










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