

Zhuzi's,and CHEN Chun's Interpretation of the View of Ghost in The Analects,Mencius,and The Doctrine of the Mean
摘要 《论语》《孟子》《中庸》所论鬼神,对朱子、陈淳鬼神观的形成有着重要影响。对《论语》"祭如在,祭神如神在"的诠释,程朱与汉儒基本一致;而关于"务民之义",与汉儒王肃民本主义的诠释精神不同,朱子的解释体现的是人本主义。朱子的人本主义鬼神观,并不否定鬼神的存在,他对正当祭祀中的鬼神非常敬重。鬼神虽与经验生活不是一个层面的存在,但其理是贯通的,这个理可以说就是一气之屈伸往来聚散。关于《孟子》"所过者化,所存者神"的诠释,朱子与程子略有差别;朱子认为"过化"与"存神"都是"就事说",他批评一些宋儒"就心说",认为不符合经典原义。关于《中庸》"体物而不可遗"的解释,朱子与郑玄很相近,只是郑玄明确把"体"训为"生",而在朱子,体有本体的意思。朱子从"阴阳二气屈伸往来"的角度诠释"体物而不遗",这种屈伸往来之鬼神观,也可以说是一种自然鬼神观。朱子认为还有一种存在于祭祀活动中的感应鬼神。 The views of ghost in The Analects , Mencius , and The Doctrine o f the Mean had an important influence on the formation of Zhuzi's and CHEN Chun's views of ghosts. Both Chengzhu scholars and Confucian scholars of the Han Dynasty thought alike in the interpretation of '* worship ancestors as ancestors are present, and worship ghosts as ghosts are presentin The Analects. As to "devoted to serving people*" , different from Confucian scholars" humanism interpretation in the Han Dynasty, Zhuzi's interpretation reflected personalism. His view of ghost of personalism didn / deny the existence of ghosts. Instead, he showed great respect to the ghosts in sacrifice. According to him, ghosts and people's experience and life couldn't coexist at the same level, but the truth of both were the same, i.e. Qi's sub-mitting and rising, coming and going, meeting and parting. As to the interpretation of " with the saint passing, people are educated and spirit remainsH in Mencius, Zhuzi and Chengzi were a bit different from each other. According to Zhu, the '*passing then educated" and '*morals remam'1 were both *'ideas of matter". Zhuzi criticized Confucian schol-ars" "ideas of mind", which he thought to be against the original meanings of classics. As to the interpretation of "go-ing close to everything but attaining nothing11 in The Doctrine o f the Mean, Zhuzi and ZHENG Xuan thought alike. However, Zheng defined "Ti*' as "occurrence, while Zhu considered it "subject11. Zhuzi interpreted "going close to everything but attaining nothing" from the angle of "Yin's and Yang's submitting and rising, coming and going". This view of ghosfs submitting and rising, coming and going could be considered a natural view of ghost. At the same time, Zhuzi thought there was a reacting ghost in the sacrifice ritual.
作者 翟奎凤
出处 《上饶师范学院学报》 2017年第2期5-11,22,共8页 Journal of Shangrao Normal University
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(14ZDB008)
关键词 鬼神 阴阳 屈伸 朱子 陈淳 ghost, Yin and Yang submitting and rising Zhuzi CHEN Chun
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  • 2朱熹.《四书集注》,第95页,长沙,岳麓书社.2004.
  • 3焦循.《孟子正义》,《诸子集成》第2册,长沙:岳麓书社,1996年,第598页.
  • 4《四库家藏·孟子注疏》,济南:山东画报出版社,2004年,第360页.
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  • 7《四库家藏仪札注疏》,济南:山东画报出版社,2004年版,第695页.
  • 8《太平经今注译》下,杨寄林译注,石家庄:河北人民出版社,2002年,第1710页.
  • 9《陆机文集·陆云文集》,王永顺编著,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,2000年,第252页.
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