

“Appreciating Ugliness” Concept in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Its Influence on T. S. Eliot's Early Stage Poetics
摘要 现代派诗歌打破古典美学"美与和谐"原则,将丑这一概念引入诗歌创作中,拓宽了诗歌创作维度。艾略特作为现代派大家,在早期诗作《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中展现出特有的审丑观,该审丑观表现于审丑对象、审丑情感和审丑准则三个层面上。并借由审丑观把创作深层理念埋藏在诗作中,体现为其对现实的批判、对理性的诉求及对现代派创作的早期探索。诗作的审丑观也直接作用于艾略特的早期诗学观,使其早期风格游走于古典主义与先锋派之间,形成了古典主义与先锋派杂糅的早期诗风。这种早期尝试与探索为艾略特现代派诗风的最终确立奠定了基础。 Modem poetry breaks down the norm ol “ Beauty and Equivalence” in classical aesthetics, and brings the concept ol Ugliness in poetry practice, broadening the dimension ol poetry creation. Eliot, as a master ol Mod-ernist School, shows his unique “Appreciating Ugliness” concept in his early work The Love Song of J. Alfred Pru -frock .In this poem, “Appreciating Ugliness” concept lies in three elements - “ appreciating ugliness” object, “ ap-preciating ugliness” emotion and “ appreciating ugliness” criterion. By displaying the “ appreciating ugliness” con-cept, Eliot conceals deep creation ideas ol poetry creation in this poem, which manilests in these three aspects : the critique towards social reality, the appeal to sense and reason, and his early exploration ol modernist poetry crea-tion. The “ appreciating ugliness” concept in this poem also influences on Eliot’ s early stage poetics, making his early style swing between classicism and avant - gardism, which linally lorms his early poetic style - a mixture ol classicism and avant - gardism. This early attempt and explore has laid the loundation ol linal establishment ol his Modernist poetic style.
作者 刘旎媛
出处 《湖北文理学院学报》 2017年第7期66-70,共5页 Journal of Hubei University of Arts and Science
关键词 艾略特 《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》 审丑观 诗学观 Eliot The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock “appreciating ugliness” concept poetic view
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