

The Research on the Exam of Selecting Soldiers to Learn the Advance Air Force Techniques in the U.S. in Shaanxi Province during the Anti-Japanese War
摘要 抗战后期,随着战争形势好转和中美关系的改善,为了加速整个抗日战争的胜利进程,国民政府在全国范围内进行留美空军的招考工作。由于陕西地处整个抗战的大后方,局势相对稳定,加上学生的报国心切,青年学生踊跃参加了此次招考工作。因此,在1941—1943年间,陕西共组织了3次考试,其中第一次考试就成功派出了12名学生赴美国参加飞行训练,第二、三次考试派出人数不详。尽管如此,此次留美空军的招考工作仍然是陕西留学教育发展史上不可磨灭的一笔。在教育部、陕西省政府的高度重视以及航空委员会第八总站与国立西北工学院的密切配合下,整个招考工作分工明确、组织有序。这一时期派出的空军学员,在学成归国后成为抗战的中坚力量,极大地推动了陕西留学教育的发展。 During the later period of the Anti-Japanese War, the situation took a favorable turn and China-U.S.relation showed some improvement as well.In order to accelerate the process towards the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War,the nationalist gov-ernment started a nationwide program,selecting soldiers to learn the advanced air force techniques in the U.S. Due to the special spa- tial and political position of Shaanxi Province, which located in the rear of war area,and the relatively stable situation’students who were full of patriotic passion actively responded to and participated in this program.Therefore,three exams were hold by Shaanxi prov-ince from 1940 to 1943. In the first exam, 12 students were successfully sent to U.S.and took part in the trail.Although the outcome of the second and the third test were unknown,the historic and incredible position of this U.S.Air Force program on education abroad in Shaanxi Province was undeniable.Under the high attention of the Ministry of Education and the Shaanxi provincial government, as well as the close cooperation of the Eighth Station Navigation Committee and National Northwestern College, a high effective work was demonstrated with a clear labor division and well-organized process.The students in that period became the backbone of the War of resistance when they came back and greatly promoted the development of education abroad in Shaanxi Province.
作者 赵惠霞 禹薇
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2017年第14期16-23,54,共9页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目:民国时期留学史料的整理与研究(11&ZD101) 陕西省社会科学基金项目:民国时期陕西留学档案的整理与研究(2015H009)
关键词 抗战时期 陕西 留美空军 招考 period of the Anti-Japanese War Shaanxi Air force study in U.S. entrance examination
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