
RE-AIM框架及其在身体活动干预领域中的应用 被引量:1

The RE-AIM Framework and its Application in the Field of Physical Activity Intervention
摘要 通过文献研究法,对RE-AIM框架内容及其在身体活动干预领域中的应用情况进行梳理。RE-AIM框架在身体活动干预领域正得到越来越广泛的应用,为针对不同人群、适用于不同环境的身体活动干预的设计、评价及修正提供指导。但此框架作为一个评价系统更多的是在被"定性"使用,各维度的权重及它们之间的相互作用尚不明晰。在今后的研究中,重点应为确定RE-AIM框架各维度的具体内容、权重、标准,以有效实现对干预项目的定性和定量评价和项目择优。 On the basis of literature reviews,this paper shows the content of the RE-AIM framework and its application in the field of physical activity intervention.The RE-AIM framework is being more and more widely used in this area,and providing guidance for the design,evaluation and revision of physical activity interventions which concerns different population or fits different settings or environment.However,as a evaluation system,this framework has always been used by qualitatively,the proportion of each dimension and the interaction among them are not yet clear.In future research,the key points should be determining the details,proportions and standards of the RE-AIM framework to effectively realize the qualitative and quantitative evaluation on intervention and the selection.
作者 金秋艳 司琦
出处 《浙江体育科学》 2017年第4期81-88,共8页 Zhejiang Sport Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<基于可穿戴设备的青少年体育健康促进综合干预策略研究>(16BTY063)
关键词 干预 评价 社会生态模型 intervention evaluation social-ecological models
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