
Postharvest Losses in the Wheat Logistics Chain: A Brazilian Case Study

Postharvest Losses in the Wheat Logistics Chain: A Brazilian Case Study
摘要 This paper highlighted the losses occurring along the wheat supply chain in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, which accounts for almost half of the domestic wheat production. Based on a field research, a questionnaire was applied to representative agents in the market. Then the wheat supply chain in the state of RS was characterized and loss rates in each stage of that chain were quantified. Typically, losses during transportation in the domestic market account for about 11.8% of the total amount of wheat grain that leaves the farms. Losses during harvest and storage in cooperatives, which account for 93.2% of total losses, stand out in this context. Transportation operations account for 6.8% of total losses in the analyzed flow. Based on the results obtained in this study, strategies are suggested to reduce food losses in different links of the logistics chain, such as to evidence and quantify the wheat losses, to manage losses and set reduction targets and to give attention to transportation service levels.
出处 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第5期321-329,共9页 农业科学与技术(B)
关键词 Postharvest losses WHEAT supply chain food security 采后损失 小麦生产 物流链 巴西 案例 问卷调查 运输过程 运输业务
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