轮状病毒(Rotavirus,RV)是一种人兽共患病病原,能够引起幼龄动物和婴幼儿发生腹泻疾病,危害人和动物身体健康。目前尚无特效治疗药治疗该病。RV NSP1是其逃避宿主先天性免疫应答的关键蛋白,具有介导IRFs、RIG-I、β-Tr CP、TRAFs和STATs等宿主免疫应答通路中的重要分子降解的功能,从而逃避宿主免疫。RV在感染宿主细胞过程中,可以破坏微循环,感染导致小肠绒毛细胞死亡脱落;RV NSP4蛋白介导多种离子非正常转运;刺激肠神经系统等多种途径致使机体产生病理损伤,发生腹泻甚至严重可致死亡。了解轮状病毒感染后的免疫逃避机制和病理损伤机制对于研制高效疫苗和靶向药物具有一定的指导意义。
Rotavirus is a zoonotic pathogen, resulting in diarrhea disease in infants, young children or young animals and threatens human and animal health. However, specific medicines for treatment of diseases associated with rotavirus infection are currently unavailable. Rotavirus nonstructural protein I(NSPI) is a key protein to evade host immune protection and has the abili- ty to mediate the degradation of important molecules in host immune response pathways such as IRFs, RIG-I, ^-TrCP, TRAFs and STATs. During the process of infection, rotaviruses infection re- sults in pathological injury through destructing microcirculation, the death of small intestinal villi cell, NSP4 protein-mediated ion transport, stimulating the intestinal nervous system, and other ways. Furthermore, rotavirus infection can incur diarrhea in infants or young children and young animal, and even cause death. Understand the immune escape and pathological injury mecha- nism of rotavirus infection may cines against diseases associated facilitate development of efficious vaccines and specific medi with rotaviruses infection.
Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine