
特色小镇建设的路径演变、发展困境与对策研究——基于嘉兴市29个创建培育对象的分析 被引量:14

Research on the Evolution,Dilemmas and Countermeasures of Characteristic Towns'Construction——Based on the Analysis of 29 Characteristic Towns of Jiaxing
摘要 作为浙江省产业功能提升的新空间与新平台,特色小镇创建过程基本经历了"产业链延伸与扩张—泛产业链生态系统构建—产业交织形成概念性新空间"的路径演变。通过对嘉兴市29个省市级创建对象的分析表明,尽管从推进机制、培育梯次、项目进展等领域已初步形成梯度建设的基本格局,但在实践过程中功能叠加、政策保障、工作机制等方面还存在不少深层次的问题制约,加快特色小镇建设,应从三个方面着手:一是加快产业功能与旅游功能、社区功能、文化功能的融合;二是确保财税政策的激励作用,增强土地政策的实效性,建立高效的政务服务系统,加快工作与资源同步下沉;三是要建立长短结合的弹性考核机制、建立特色导向的开放型考核机制、建立全程跟进的常态化考核机制。 As a new space and platform for improving industrial functions of Zhejiang Province, characteris tic towns have evolved from extension and expansion of "the industry chain to the construction of pan industrial ecosystem, then to the formation of the new concept space of various industries". Based on the analysis of 29 provincial and municipal level towns to be built into characteristic ones in Jiaxing, we find that those towns take on atiered construction pattern in construction mechanisms and processes, hut many deep-seated problems still exist in functions, policies and work mechanisms. Therefore the following measures should he made: accelcrate the integration of industrial functions into those of tourism, communities, and culture; play incentive roles of tax policies, enhance the effectiveness of land policies and establish high-efficiency service systems for government affairs; build an open, feature-oriented and periodic evaluation mechanism characteristic of the combination of long term and short term evaluations.
作者 朱莹莹
出处 《嘉兴学院学报》 2017年第4期30-39,共10页 Journal of Jiaxing University
基金 浙江省中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心第18批规划课题(ZX18104) 2016年度嘉兴市新经济统计研究中心资助课题"特色小镇发展路径统计研究"
关键词 特色小镇 嘉兴市 建设 路径演变 困境 对策 characteristic town Jiaxing construclion evolution dilemma countermeasures
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