目的 :探讨头孢菌素类抗生素致过敏性休克的特点和规律 ,以预防或避免其重复发生 ,促进临床合理用药。方法 :按文献计量学方法 ,收集国内 3 4种主要药学期刊 1996~ 2 0 0 1年 6月报道的头孢菌素类抗生素致过敏性休克的个案 ,采用描述性研究方法进行分析。结果 :头孢菌素类抗生素致过敏性休克反应严重 ,病死率高 ,临床上应引起高度重视和警惕。结论 :使用本类药物前应详问家族过敏史、药敏史和是否为过敏体质 ,并采用拟用药物做过敏性试验 ,确保安全用药。
Objective:To delineate the characteristics and regularities of allergic shock induced by cephalosporins so as to prevent its recurrence and promote the rational use of drugs. Methods:The case reports of cephalosporins induced allergic shock were retrieved and collected from 34 main periodicals on pharmaceutics during the period of 1996 to 2001. Then a descriptive analysis of the data was conducted by using the literature metrological methods. Results:Great precautions should be taken as the cephalosporins induced allergic shock develops very quickly and cause very high mortality rate. Conclusion:Family history, anaphylactic constitution and anaphylactogenesis history as well as the skin test should be taken in detail before the use of cephalosporins so as to guarantee the safety.
Herald of Medicine