
农地产权制度改革视角下 临沂市农村残疾人可持续生计发展研究

The Research about the Disabled's Sustainable Livelihoods in Linyi Which Is Based on the Perspective of the Rural Land Rights Reform
摘要 临沂市有17万农村残疾人处于贫困状态,占残疾人总数的26.2%。可持续生计是世界反贫困的主要目标,也是临沂市农村残疾人生计的发展方向。土地是农村残疾人最基本的生计资本,土地产权改革内容影响他们的生计策略。中央关于农村土地产权制度改革的部署,有利于推进城乡发展一体化。但在土地流转和土地征用过程中,因为制度设计未考虑到农村残疾人的具体情况和措施落实不到位,影响了农村残疾人的可持续生计,使其参与积极性不高。笔者建议通过确立倾斜性政策优惠、加大保障力度、完善"整村赶平均"工程等措施构建农村残疾人可持续生计制度保障体系。 In Linyi, 170,000 rural disabled people are in poverty. It reaches 26.2% of the total number of the disabled. Sustainable livelihood is the important aim for the world to eliminate poverty. It is also the development direction for the rural disabled. Land is the most basic livelihood capital for the rural disabled, and the reform of land property rights influences their livelihoods strategy. The central government's deployment of the reform of the rural land property rights gives more rights and interests to the rural disabled. This can promote the integration between the urban and the rural development. But due to loose system design and the measures improperly carried out in the land circulation and land requisition, the sustainable livelihoods of the disabled are affected.Their participation enthusiasm is not high. To solve the problems above,the following suggestions are offered: establishing preferential policy, strengthening security, pushing on the project of "The whole village catching up with the average", and so on. Through those measures we can reach the target: that is to build up system of the rural disabled sustainable livelihoods.
作者 王倩 WANG Qian
机构地区 临沂大学法学院
出处 《残疾人研究》 2016年第1期34-38,共5页 Disability Research
关键词 农村残疾人 土地产权改革 可持续生计 倾斜性政策 The disabled Farmland property rights Sustainable livelihoods Preferential policies
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