【目的】油橄榄是重要的油果兼用经济林木,含油率的高低直接影响到油橄榄品种经济价值。影响含油率因素包括所处生态环境和遗传潜力。【方法】本文以引种到四川省3个不同生态区(达州、金堂和西昌)的油橄榄品种皮瓜尔作为研究对象,首先分析了皮瓜尔原产地(西班牙地区)和引种栽培地(达州、金堂和西昌)的气候特点,结合含油率的测定结果(西昌皮瓜尔含油率最高),推测日照时数是影响含油率的关键生态因子。随后对克隆到的功能基因编码序列DNA片段进行SNP分析,发掘其中的单核苷酸变异位点和其编码的氨基酸变异位点。【结果】在花青素合酶(Anthocyanidin synthase,ANT)、钙调蛋白(Calcium binding protein,CBP)和查尔酮合酶(Chalcone synthase,CHS)3个基因片段中检测到了SNP,共发现了3个CAPS位点,得到的2种SNP组合(SNP1-Hph I/SNP2-Eag I和SNP2-Eag I/SNP3-Bsg I)可以完成对皮瓜尔品种区域性的鉴别。【结论】本研究获得的3个CAPS分子标记实现了对不同区域油橄榄品种皮瓜尔快速、准确的鉴定,今后将加大对该基因功能差异的研究,以期为油橄榄育种研究奠定基础。
[ Objective] Olive( Olea europaea L. ) which can be used for oil and food is a kind of important economic forest tree. Oil content is an important factor affecting the economic value of olive. Factors that affected oil content include ecological environment and genetic poten- tial. [ Method] In this paper, the Olea europaea L. varieties (Picual) from Dazhou,Jintang and Xichang in Sichuan province were used as tested materials, firstly, the climatic characteristics of Picual between the origin ( Spain ) and cultivation areas ( Dazhou, Jintang and Xiehang) were evaluated, combining with the oil content data detected, sunshine duration was the key factor which affected the oil content, the related gene segments in three introduced areas (Dazhou, Jintang and Xichang) by using PCR technology were cloned, and their se- quences were made for SNP analysis. [ Result] SNPs in three gene fragments of anthocyanidin synthase, calcium binding protein and chal- cone synthase were detected, a total of three CAPS sites were found, and 2 pairs of three CAPS sites ( SNP1 -Hph I/SNP2-Eag I and SNP2- Eag I/SNP3-Bsg I) could differentiate between the Dazhou, Jintang and Xichang of Pieual with rapid and accurate identification. [ Conclusion] In the next future, the further research on the functional difference of these genes would be carried out to lay the foundation for olive breeding.
ZHAO Qi GUO Xiao-qiang ZHUAiNG Guo-qing YAN Jun HE Shi-qin LI Rui(College of Pharmaceutical and Biological Engineering, Chengdu University, Sichuan Chengdu 610106, China Sichuan Academy of For- estry, Sichuan Chengdu 610081, China Sichuan Tianyuan Olive Co. , Ltd. , Sichuan Dazhou 636251, China)
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences