
加强电力系统安全稳定性的措施探究 被引量:2

Discussion on Measures to Strengthen Safety and Stability of Power System
摘要 电力能源已经成为人类生活与经济发展中必不可少的能源之一,人类生产生活都离不开电力系统的供应和支持。如果供电系统运行不稳定将导致大面积、大范围的停电事故,严重影响人类生活及社会生产活动的正常进行。因此,需要对供电系统中影响系统安全运行的因素进行探讨分析,进而找出解决问题的有效对策,以加强电力系统运行的安全稳定性,从而提高电力系的统输电能和保护电力系统的电网安全。 Electric energy has become one of the essential energy sources in human life and economic development. Human production and life can not be separated from the supply and support of power system. The unstable power supply system will lead to a wide range of power outages in a large area, which will seriously affect/he human life and social production activities. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors affecting the safe operation of power supply system, and find effective countermeasures to solve the problem in order to strengthen the safety and stability of power system and improve power transmission capacity and power grid safety of power system.
作者 李大勇 Li Dayong(Baicheng Power Supply Company, State Grid Jilin Electric Power Supply Company, Baicheng Jilin 137000)
出处 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2017年第11期52-53,共2页 Modern Industrial Economy and Informationization
关键词 电力系统 安全稳定 控制 措施 power system safety and stability control measure
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