目的探讨经鼻持续气道正压通气(nCPAP)联合俯卧位治疗早产儿反复呼吸暂停的临床疗效。方法 2014年1月至2015年12月福建医科大学附属三明第一医院NICU收治反复呼吸暂停的早产儿86例,随机分为观察组46例和对照组40例。观察组在早产儿综合治疗基础上给予nCPAP联合俯卧位治疗;对照组则在综合治疗的基础上给予单纯使用nCPAP治疗,观察两组患儿临床疗效及用氧时间、住院时间。结果观察组早产儿反复呼吸暂停治疗总有效率为91.3%(42/46),显著高于对照组65.0%(26/40),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组用氧时间为(92.0±12.6)h,显著低于对照组(126.0±12.6)h,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组住院时间为(25.0±13.6)d,显著低于对照组(30.0±15.2)d,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 nCPAP联合俯卧位治疗早产儿反复呼吸暂停临床疗效显著、可缩短患儿用氧及住院时间,值得临床中推广。
Objective To investigate the clinical curative effect of nCPAP combined with prone position on recurrent apnea in preterm infants. Methods A total of 86 premature infants with gestational age 34 weeks who had recurrent apnea were randomly divided into observation group(46 cases) and control group(40 cases), observation group was managed by nCPAP combined with prone position on the basis of comprehensive treatment; control group was given simple use of nCPAP treatment on the basis of comprehensive treatment. Observe the clinical curative effect, oxygen use and hospital stay of two groups. Results In the treatment group the total effective rate was 91.3% (42/46) ,which was significantly higher than that in the control group (65 %, 26/40), the difference being statistically significant (P〈 0. 05). In the observation group, the total oxygen use time was (92.0±12.6)hours and in control group, (126.0±12.6)hours, the difference being of statistical significance(P〈0.05) ;hospital stay of observation group was (25.0 ± 13.6) days, and in control group it was (30.0±15.2)days, and the difference was statistically significant (P〈 0.05). Conclusion nCPAP combined with prone position has significant effect on premature infants with re- current apnea, which can shorten the use time of oxygen and hospital stay and is worth promoting.
Chinese Pediatrics of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
Prone position
Continuous positive airway pressure
Premature infants