洗井过程因入井液侵入造成油层污染,导致油井产量恢复周期长甚至严重减产的现象时有发生。清洁屏蔽暂堵洗井技术通过油溶性暂堵剂应用,在炮眼处形成暂堵层,从而减少洗井过程的流体漏失和屏蔽压力激荡,有效减轻了油层污染。目前该技术已在5口井成功应用,全部见效。措施井洗井平均产量恢复期由68.8 d缩短到6.4 d,累计减少洗井原油损失达216.2 t。其中4口措施井见到堵水増油效果,热洗后产油量上升,综合含水下降。
In the process of well washing, the formation pollution was caused by the flushing fluid invasion, which led to the phenomenon that the production of oil well need a long time to be recovered or even severely reduced. The well washing with clean temporary blocking technology is to form a temporary plugging agent, thereby reduce fluid leakage temporary blocking layer in the perforation hole by using oil soluble and shield pressure agitation during well washing, and effectively re- duce the washing damage. Up to now, the technology has been successfully applied in 5 wells. The average recovery period of oil well was shortened from 68.8 d to 6.4 d, and it was reduced the crude oil loss of 216.2 t caused by well washing. The oil production was increased and water cut was decreased in 4 wells of them.
Complex Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
well hot washing
oil reservoir pollution
temporary blocking
water plugging and increased oil