
社会治安社会化治理的法治路径 被引量:2

Research on the Rule of Law Path in Socialization Governance of Public Security Administration
摘要 社会治安社会化治理主要经历了以公安机关为主进行社会治安管理,同时注重利用城乡治保组织参与治安管理阶段;社会治安管理工作及治保组织遭到了严重破坏阶段;初步探索利用社会力量进行治安防范阶段;探索建立利用社会力量、实施社会治安综合治理、推进社会治安防控体系建设阶段;利用社会力量参与治安管理基本形成阶段;创新完善利用社会力量参与社会治安治理发展阶段等。社会治安社会化治理的主要形式包括治安保卫委员会,企事业单位内部保卫组织,保安服务公司,治安联防组织,志愿性治安社会组织,中介性治安社会组织,其他社会组织等。社会治安社会化治理的法治完善主要路径有制定和修改社会治安社会化治理的法律、法规,实施社会治安社会化治理的单位和个人必须依法办事,建立和营造良好的社会治安社会化治理的法治秩序等。 Socialization governance of public security administration has been mainly through several development stages including about: the first stage, managing the public security by public security organs, at the same time focusing on the use of urban and rural security organs to join the management. The second stage, the management and organs have been seriously damaged. The third stage, preliminary exploration of using social resources to maintain public security. The fourth stage, explore the establishment of the use of social forces, taking comprehensive efforts to maintain public security, advancing the establishment of prevention and control system for the public security. The fifth stage, the basic formulation of using the social forces to join the management. The sixth stage, innovating and improving the use of the social forces. Socialization governance of public security’s main forms consist of public security committees, internal security organs of enterprises and institutions, security guarding services companies, organs of joint defense for public security, volunteer security social organs, mediation security social organs, and other social organs. The main ways for improving the rule of law contain formulating and revising related laws and regulations, the units and individuals to carry out the socialization governance of public security administration must act according to laws, establishing and building a good order governed by law in socialization governance of public security administration.
作者 云山城
出处 《湖北警官学院学报》 2017年第3期68-74,共7页 Journal of Hubei University of Police
关键词 社会治安 社会化治理 发展历程 主要形式 法律法规 法治路径 Public Security Social Governance Development Process Main Forms Laws and Regulations Rule of Law Path
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