
考虑快递柜自提的网络零售商决策研究 被引量:2

Study on Online Retailer Decision-making with Express Cabinet Considered
摘要 近年来,国内外网络零售商在传统的门对门配送模式上增设智能快递柜自提模式,解决末端配送问题。借鉴以往文献关于顾客行为、效用理论和定价决策的成果,在考虑顾客行为的条件下,通过建立同时考虑价格和配送时间的效用模型和利润模型来研究网络零售商采用双配送模式的最优决策。分析结果表明,在双配送模式下采用异价策略比同价策略更能帮助顾客识别快递柜自提模式的优势,增加市场需求,提高网络零售商的利润。最后提出了实施异价策略的针对性建议。 In this paper, drawing from the available literatures on customer behavior, utility theory and pricing decision-making and considering the conditions of the customer behavior, we established the utility model and profit model that simultaneously considered price and distribution time to study the optimal decision in the dual distribution model adopted by an online retailer, finding that under the dual distribution model, the differential price strategy, as compared with the same price strategy, could better help the customers recognize the advantage of the express cabinet self- collection model, improve its market demand and the profit of the online retailer. At the end, we proposed the relevant suggestions to implement the differential price strategy.
作者 刘畅
出处 《物流技术》 2017年第6期144-148,156,共6页 Logistics Technology
关键词 网络零售商 末端配送 定价策略 快递柜 效用模型 online retailer last mile distribution pricing strategy express cabinet utility model
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