
施马伦贝格病在德国的流行现状及总结 被引量:2

Research Progress and the Epidemic Dynamics of Schmallenberg Virus Disease in Germany
摘要 施马伦贝格病是由施马伦贝格病毒(Schmallenberg virus,SBV)引起的,感染牛、羊等反刍动物的一种新发的虫媒病毒性传染病。该病毒感染成年动物后症状轻微,如产奶减少、发热、腹泻等;但在怀孕的特定时期感染则可能导致较严重的后果,如胎畜畸形或死胎等。该病于2011年底在德国首发,随后迅速传遍欧洲。德国作为该病的首发国家,对于该病进行了详细的研究,其国内的流行趋势也最能代表欧洲的流行情况及研究进展。为此,作者就德国施马伦贝格病的流行现状进行介绍,以期为我国该病的防控提供参考。 Schmallenberg virus disease is caused by the Schmallenberg virus(SBV),which is an arthropodborn disease affecting cattle and sheep.Clinical signs include fever,reduced production of milk,and diarrhea.Infection in SBV-naive cows and ewes during a critical period of pregnancy can lead to congenital malformations and stillbirths.The first outbreak was in Germany in 2011 and spread rapidly to other European countries.The German government researched SBV deeply,with a focus on epidemiological trends.To provide a reference for the current situation of SBV in Germany,we reviewed the research progress and epidemiology of SBV.In this way,we wished to lay the foundation for the effective prevention and control of SBV.
出处 《病毒学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期646-651,共6页 Chinese Journal of Virology
基金 农业公益性行业专项(项目号:201303035) 题目:重要牛羊虫媒病毒病关键技术研究与应用 "十三五"国家重点研发计划(项目号:2016YFD0501104) 题目:潜在入侵的畜禽疫病口岸监测技术研究~~
关键词 施马伦贝格病毒(SBV) 德国 流行现状 Schmallenberg virus(SBV) Germany Epidemiology
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