

Comparison of the Methods for Estimating the Reserves of the Ⅲ-2-9 Ore Body in Yunnan
摘要 为验证Micromine软件平台下的资源量估算结果及采用的距离反比加权法估值合理性,本次选择南部Ⅲ-2-9主工业矿体为样本,采用传统的垂直断面法资源量估算结果与距离反比加权法的资源量估算结果对比分析。为保证垂直断面法与距离反比加权法的可比性,南部Ⅲ-2-9主矿体垂直断面法在矿体圈定上,主要估算参数的选择等均与Micromine软件中距离反比加权法大体一致。 In order to verify the estimation results of Micromine software platform and the rationality of the inverse distance weighted method, the selection of the southern Ⅲ-2-9 main industrial ore samples, the traditional vertical section method is used to estimate the amount of resources and the inverse distance weighted method. In order to ensure the comparability between the vertical section method and the inverse distance weighted method, the method of vertical section of the main ore body in southern Ⅲ-2-9, the selection of the main parameters is in agreement with the inverse distance weighting method in Micromine software.
出处 《价值工程》 2017年第22期120-122,共3页 Value Engineering
关键词 资源量估算 可比性 矿体圈定 估算参数 resource estimation comparability ore delineation estimation parameters
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