

A Study on Navy's Scout System in Ming Dynasty
摘要 明前期出海巡哨军船主要是由京卫及沿海卫所派出,并形成了以沿海卫所为主体的巡洋会哨制度。嘉靖时期,出于御倭的需要,出海水军的营兵制度逐渐在东南沿海确立完善。出海水军基本编制为哨,哨属船只依船型配置数量不等的官兵与器械装备,别以不同的号带旗色。船上官兵编成甲或队,分别有甲长或队长管理。部分地区哨上设营的编制。汛期出海军船主要执行瞭探、御敌、缉私、潜伏等任务,会哨时填注相关凭证缴军政各司官员查考。为防止水军出海玩愒敷衍,嘉靖以后稽查监哨制几经调整。但其努力多是领帅衙门为监督水军出海而作,以弥补稽查制度之疏漏,并未从出海水军军役负担与生活境况方面寻找其不愿出海原因。 In the early period of the Ming Dynasty, naval ships were sent out to sea by the Capital Garrison Command and coastal garrisons, and a naval scout system was formed with coastal garrisons as the main body. During the Jiajing period, the need to prevent Japanese invasion prompted the Ming authorities to set up the system of naval camps in the Southeast coast regions. The basic naval unit was called Shoo, and the Shoo vessels were manned and equipped according to different ship types and were labelled with different token numbers and flag colors. The men on board were organized into Jia or Dui, with respective leaders for both units. There was an organizational unit of Ying in some areas. During flood seasons, the mis- sions of the naval ships were mainly to scout, to resist enemy, to suppress smuggling and to wait in lurk. When different Shaus met, they had to mark in relevant documents for military and civilian agencies to check later on. To prevent soldiers at sea from neglecting their duties, several adjustments were made about the inspection system after Jiajing period. But efforts were made mostly to facilitate the senior officers and officials to check the work of naval soldiers at sea but not to find out whether something should be done to improve the conditions of the soldiers so that they would be willing to go out to sea.
作者 牛传彪 Niu Chuanbiao(School of History, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071)
出处 《军事历史研究》 CSSCI 2017年第3期63-75,共13页 Military History Research
关键词 明代 水军 巡洋会哨 信地 the Ming Dynasty the navy naval scout system garrisoned areas
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